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Dance Hall
After the creation of the artificial lake in 1898, the dance hall on the lake and Promenade Bridge were built in 1911 during a period of major expansion for the park.  The dance hall building sat just above the lake surface on 10 concrete pillars, which were discovered in 1993 during some early FOBS lake investigations.  FOBS also found approximately half of the outside vertical posts that made up the outer walls of the building.  The posts were sunk directly in the lake bottom. Even after the lake inlet dam was destroyed, the wet lake bed bottom kept the termites from destroying the wood posts.

In 1911, Patrons could get to the dance hall by using a bridge, as seen in the photo, or by renting a boat and docking at the dance hall steps which came down to the water.  The building was also used for roller-skating for a year, but public pressure returned its use as the more popular dance hall.

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