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Lake Washington

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This photo shows the Kennett trolley on the tracks which lie next to Lake Washington.  The dance hall on the lake and the promenade bridge also can be seen in the center left of the photo.  The structures on the right on the lake are the "Hungarian Village" built on the lake islands.  The scenic railway tracks can be seen in the background and a photo was taken from that vantage point on the high track hill.


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This photo was taken by a photographer standing on the tracks of the scenic railway, high above Lake Washington.  On the right is the dance hall on the lake, built in 1911, and the structures on the small islands were called the Hungarian Village.  The road going up the hill is Newport Gap Pike, now Route 41.  The white building was the Yarnall Tavern that was on the road since Colonial times.  The Kennett trolley track can be seen running beside the lake and turning northwest toward Kennett Square

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