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Last Updated: Monday, May 12, 2003

Chapter 5

       After all your cards are installed and you're almost ready to boot up your computer, there are just a few last adjustments to make.

  • Make sure the IDE and power cables are attached to your Hard Drive, CD-RW, DVD.
  • Make sure the Floppy cable and power is connected to both the motherboard and floppy drive.
  • Memory should be secured in place.
  • CPU should be connected with heatsink attached and plugged into the motherboard.
  • Video card should be in place and have a monitor connected to it
  • Mouse and keyboard should be plugged in and ready
  • Power cable should be attached to the motherboard.
  • All case fans are plugged into the PSU and have power.
  • PSU is turned on and connected to the ON/OFF switches in the computer.

Booting Up

       When everything is checked, double checked and ready to go plug in your monitor, the mouse the keyboard, power to both the monitor and tower, and connect the monitor to the computer. If the power switch on the PSU is off, which it should be, then nothing should happen when you plug the computer in. Flip the switch on the PSU and wait, you probably will hear a beep and/or a light will come on. Wait about 2 minutes then turn on your main power to the computer. If the computer boots up and all is dandy, move on to Chapter 6, otherwise stick around.

When computers go bad

       It's all plugged in and nothing's happening!? Did I break something!? Hopefully not, but let's check and make sure some things are set correctly.

1 - Read through the motherboard manual to make sure all the hardware was set properly.

2 - If you hear a long alarm coming from the computer almost the second you turn it on, the CPU is overheating. Make sure the fan is set to it's highest speed(for right now).

3 - Hit the switch and absolutely nothing happens. Your switches may not be properly connected. OR you have a bad PSU. Read up on the manuals and attached documentation.

Those are some of the main problems. If you can't figure out what's going wrong, read the documentation on your hardware. If you can't find it there you might have a faulty part and the best thing to do, is take the computer down to a local shop and have them take a look.

After you get your computer to boot, it's ready to install the software.

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