Step 1: Choose a Race
Brownies stand about 3’ tall. They have pointy ears and lithe frames. Brownies prefer to live in old forests. They make their homes in burrows or tree houses.
Archetypes: Most adventuring Brownies are Wizards or Thieves.
Special Abilities:
·Darkness Vision 100’
·Hide: 1-4 on 1d6
·Ranged Weapon Bonus: +1
·Stealth: 1-4 on 1d6
Dwarves stand about 4’ tall. A Dwarf’s frame is stout and rugged. Most male dwarves have beards. They live in mountains were they mine for gold, gems and other precious minerals.
Archetypes: Most adventuring Dwarves are Fighters.
Special Abilities:
·Darkness Vision 100’
·Stone Lore: 1-4 on 1d6
·Defense Bonus: +1
·Underground Direction Sense: 1-4 on 1d6
Elves stand about 5 ½’ tall. An Elf’s frame is thin and willowy. The face of a typical Elf is narrow with a long nose and long pointy ears. Elves prefer to spend most of their time in the deep forest realms.
Archetypes: Most adventuring Elves are Fighters or Wizards.
Special Abilities:
·Ranges Attack Bonus: +1
·Darkness Vision 100’
·Forest Lore: 1-4 on 1d6.
·Stealth Bonus 1-4 on 1d6
Humans stand about 6’ tall. Their skin color ranges from tones of light
to dark, yellow to red, and olive. Humans have hair color of all shades of
blond, brown, black and red. Eye color can be blue, green, brown or black.
Humans are industrious and the dominant race on Earth.
Their communities can be found in all realms: mountain, grassland, forest and desert.
Archetypes: Any
Special Abilities:
·20% Bonus to Experience