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Template Page 2  The Adventurous Life of Bill

Bill strolled down the street, looking about at all the people caught up in the usual Friday afternoon flurry of activity. Bill routinely walked home. The fifteen-minute stretch from the office to his home was therapeutic after a long day.

He stopped to look in at one of the shop window displays and, while staring through the glass to try and read the price tag on a painted vase; he felt a gentle tap on his shoulder.

Spinning round, he was surprised to see his old high school friend Gary.

‘I thought it was you’ exclaimed Gary, lit with delight.

It had been years since Bill had even spoken to his old pal and he was astounded to see his former best friend.

‘Where did you pop-up from’ enquired Bill, grinning all the while.

The two men were soon reacquainted, with Gary insisting that they go for a drink and reminisce about the old days.

‘Ooh, I’m not so sure that I have the time to…’ mumbled Bill, disheartened.

‘C’mon’ insisted Gary. ‘It’s my treat.’

Encouraged by the enthusiasm of his old pal, Bill felt that he should make the extra effort. The two men then headed over to the Flamingo restaurant on the opposite side of the road and sat down by the outside tables.

The waitress wearing a short black dress and white apron came over to present the two gentlemen with a menu, while offering a glass red wine.

‘Yeah sure… whatever…’ responded Gary, who was more interested in his engrossing conversation with Bill. ‘You can take these menu’s back as well…’ he abruptly added, as an afterthought.

It wasn’t too long before the waitress was back to see if a second glass of wine was in order. This time Gary paid more attention to her.

‘Oh c'mon… Let’s order a couple of pints instead’ insisted Gary. ‘We’ll leave the wine for the women...’

Bill wanted to make a comment, but the forces of nature were already set in motion before he could utter his protest.

What should Bill do?

1: Take Gary up on his offer and stay for another drink? click here

2: Head home to Joanne and the kids? click here

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