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Template Page 3  The Adventurous Life of Bill

The mood at the Pub and Grill was lively, with the regular Friday afternoon clientele all being present. A one-time regular hangout spot, it had been a while since Bill had been here. But the familiar faces made his return a pleasant one and he easily fitted back into the scene.

Taking his place at the table occupied by his group from work, all the nostalgic feelings came flooding back. His group was soon engrossed in lively conversation and Bill, between sips of draft, was constantly checking the time on his wristwatch, mentally calculating how many minutes he had to spare.

The noisy background coupled with the heartwarming conversation soon had Bill ignoring the fact that they were already ordering the second round. Some of his colleagues eventually rose to leave and here Bill saw an opportunity to make his getaway. Bill would normally walk the fifteen-minute distance it took him to get home, but he figured he could make up sufficient time by taking a cab.

‘Why are you all leaving so soon’ queried Rob. ‘You guys can’t all depart at once and leave us all stranded… C’mon, hang around a little longer!’

He looked at Bill for support. Bill hesitantly acquiesced to his request, retaking his seat while the others made off home.

‘Have one more drink’ insisted Rob presumptuously turning to convey the next order to the waitress at the bar.

Bill, however, was caught in two minds…

What should Bill do?

1: Stay and have one more drink at the pub? click here

2: Head home and catch up to Joanne and the kids? click here

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