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Template Page 7  The Adventurous Life of Bill

Bill and Rob soon found themselves the only two leftover from their group, evening having steadily brought on the darkness outside. The afternoon crowd had disappeared and Bill and Rob were threatening to be the last two left in the pub as the remaining patrons departed one by one.

‘Give us another round there bartender…’ Rob sluggishly hailed.

‘These guys have all deserted us…’ he mumbled to Bill, who listened while gazing about at the empty pub around them. ‘Looks like… it’s just you and me pal…’

The Pub and Grill took on an eerie silence that left Bill wondering if he had imagined that hoard of people in the place only minutes ago.

The bartender was left patiently waiting for the last two customers to drink up and leave, so that he could get to the business of closing up the dying pub.

However, the unexpected entrance of two frisky customers quickly gave the pub a new lease of life. The startled bartender jumped up off his seat to serve the two young ladies who had already reached the counter, occupying the empty barstools adjacent to Rob.

‘What can I get you?’ asked the barman, pausing as he waited for them to decide.

True to his sociable nature, Rob offered to pay for their drinks, along with the round that he was planning to sneak in before leaving, but the ladies quickly turned him down.

‘What are you all drinking…?’ inquired the brunette sitting alongside Rob.

‘Why don’t we all have a round of shooters!’ interrupted her dark-haired companion.

They were soon on a second round of shooters and, though Rob offered to pay this time, the ladies vehemently refused to let him do so.

With the four customers engrossed in lively, heartwarming conversation, the bartender, having added a comment or two, returned to his corner and continued reading his creasy paperback novel.

After the third round, Bill was ready to depart.

‘You can't leave me alone with these two senoritas…’ Rob slurred, panicking. ‘You're upsetting the balance…’ he muttered, the effects of the alcohol inhibiting his speech.

It had been some time since Bill had been out socializing. And these chicks were looking kind of chunky… Ah – maybe he’d hang around a little while longer…

What should Bill do?

1: Hang out with Rob and chill with the chicks at the bar? [to be continued..]

2: Head home to Joanne and the kids? [to be continued..]

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Watch this space for additional pages periodically added to continue the story currently underway..
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