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Template Page 8  The Adventurous Life of Bill

‘I have to be getting home’ apologized Bill, ‘I really can’t stay.’

‘It’s a pity’ responded Claire, ‘but we’ll do this again another time.’

‘Sure’ responded Bill as he headed out the door.

Strolling down the street Bill wondered what Joanne and the kids were doing at home. It was way too late to go to the ice-cream parlor and he tried to guess how much trouble he was in.

‘I’ll make it up to them tomorrow’ he rationalized.

Walking up the front yard, Bill saw that the lounge light was still burning.

Joanne and the kids must be sitting down for dinner, he thought as he searched for his house key. Failing to find it, he knocked on the front door instead.

The door opened slowly and the figure of Joanne stood in the short passageway with the light from the room bearing down from behind.

What is Joannes reaction?

1: Where the heck have you been Bill? Is this the time to get home – You know you supposed to take the kids out today… You always do this to us!

2: Bill… you home? You’ve really disappointed the kids today Bill. You should have phoned to let me know you’d be late… Come on in… Sit down and I’ll get you some dinner.

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Watch this space for additional pages periodically added to continue the story currently underway..
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