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Template Page 13  The Adventurous Life of Bill

Bill and Gary sat at the Flamingo, one drink leading to the next as they reminisced about old times. The evening darkness gave birth to the streetlights, while all the traffic lights in the distance shone brightly, turning from one color to the next.

The evening chill creeping in went unnoticed by the two men as they languished in their cheery atmosphere.

Gary now looked down at his wristwatch and remembered he had to be off.

‘I’ll take care of the bill’ Gary reassured, as he pulled his jacket off the back of his chair. Bill, though, insisted on settling the account.

‘Don’t worry I'll see to the bill’ he generously offered.

‘Bill getting the bill – I like that’ joked Gary as he headed off.

With Gary gone, and the prospect of leaving for home looming, Bill contemplated ordering another pint, while pondering on what the guys at the Pub and Grill were getting up to.

'In for a penny, in for a pound' he thought as the waitress approached his table with a pint in hand, though he hadn’t ordered it yet.

‘I didn’t order another drink’ corrected Bill, who had now sensibly reasoned that it was better to head home.

‘I know’ responded the confident waitress. ‘It was ordered by the gentleman who’s just left – Gary is one of our premium clients!’

What should Bill do?

1: Stay for another drink? click here

2: Head home to Joanne and the kids? click here

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