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Template Page 23  The Adventurous Life of Bill

'What the hell did you expect me to tell the kids!' she ejaculated in anger, her spittle droplets threatening to smack Bill full in the face.

Dogging this potential spit bath, Bill staggered into the lounge, the eerie voice of doom following behind, seemingly having attached itself to his ear.

The usual mantra was being played out. She was going to take the kids and leave… move in with her mom… this time she was serious. Bill had heard this routine many times before and his inebriated state always managed to cushion the effect it would have had on his fragile ego.

‘But I just stopped to have one drink…’

'You always do this! I'm sick and tired of your nonsense.'

Joanne stopped short on hearing a sound emanating from the children's bedroom.

‘Look… you’ve made me wake up the kids…’

With that, Joanne huddled off to the children’s bedroom to check on them, returning only to find Bill snoring, curled up and nicely tucked in under the blankets.

Joanne fuming, got in under the covers, angrily turned off her bedside lamp and yanked the blankets over on to her side of the bed.


The morning sunlight and the chirping birds outside ushered in the following day.

‘Wake up Bill…!’ barked Joanne, the sonic boom striking down and resonating through every part of his aching brain, increasing the agonizing pain by a factor of ten…

‘We have to go out and do the Saturday morning shopping…’ she sternly reminded. ‘I don’t even have enough milk to fix the kid’s breakfast!’

What should the hung over Bill do?

1: Offer to go out and get some milk… then sneak off to the local pub for a quick drink to get his head straight?

2: Endure a Saturday morning shopping session with Joanne and the kids?

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Watch this space for additional pages periodically added to continue the story currently underway..
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