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Template Page 27  The Adventurous Life of Bill

‘I suppose I can stay for just one more’ enthused Bill. ‘I’ll settle the bill now though, if you don’t mind - How much do I owe you?’

‘The bill’s already been seen to’ smiled the waitress.

‘Huh?’ remarked Bill confused.

‘Gary is one of our premium customers’ she explained. ‘We are not allowed to take any money from guests of our premium customers…’

‘Really hey… Oh well then, in that case, lets drink up!’

Bill ordered a light meal and the waitress, carrying yet another pint on the tray, once again refused to accept his payment.

‘So you’re not going to take my money?’ queried Bill.

‘No sir – all expenses are automatically covered’

‘Really hey… Well then, bottoms up’ cheered Bill.

Bill secretly cursed Gary’s prestigious standing at the Flamingo and his unending tab as he ordered yet another draught, drinking into the smaller hours of the morning.

But eventually he had to get up and leave. Evening had already set in and Bill knew that he would have to get home and face the music - Joanne being the lead singer in this rock band of Doom.

The air had taken on the chilly feel of a New York winter and Bill walked up the front yard to a house covered in darkness. Failing to find his door key, he stumbled over to the side of the house where Joanne would be sleeping.

It was that time of the morning when a simple tap on the window echoed five blocks down.

Hearing the sound of a key clicking in the lock, Bill hurriedly stumbled back to the front, tripping over the tiny, bushy hedge growing in the yard but making it to the door before it was fully opened.

What is Joanne's reaction?

1: Is this the time to get home? Where the heck have you been…? You know you’re supposed to take me and the kids out today…! I’ve had it with you Bill… You always do this to us…

2: Bill… you’re home? Oh, you must be cold – Why didn’t you tell me you’d be home late today? I would have unpacked a sweater for you…

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Watch this space for additional pages periodically added to continue the story currently underway..
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