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This is the list of all the contests that this guild has. NOT ALL OF THEM ARE GOING ON RIGHT NOW. If you want to see all the contests going on click here.

Beauty Contest

How to Enter
  1. Create a picture of your pet
  2. Email it to me at eyevyeyed@yahoo.com
  3. Send a neomail telling me that you entered the contest.

Gallery Spotlight

How to Enter:
  1. You must have posted at least 3 messages!
  2. If you would like to enter all you have to do is neomail me (twilight_assassin) and tell me what the theme is and I will look at it.
At the end of the month I will choose a winner!

Game Contest

How it works: This is not a difficult contest to understand. All you need to do is play the game (Warf Rescue Team) and try to get the best score you can on it :)

How to Enter:

  1. Send in a food item (jelly or apple or anything eddible)to twilight_assassin.
  2. Send in a neomail to twilight_assassin saying that you are entering the contest (for the record.)
  3. Play the game that was in this competition and get the best score you can get. :)


Mystery Picture

How it works: Search Neopia for a picture that has part of my picture on it :) Once you figure it out send a neomail to twilight_assassin telling her where the original picture can be found. Example: the picture is part of the shopkeeper for the petpet shop in neopia central. If you are specific then you are more likely to win. The first person to get it right wins! :) Happy picture hunting!

Recruitment Contest

How to enter: Recruit people from the chat boards and have them send me (twilight) a neomail or have them post on the message board saying that you recruited them to the guild. After you recruit one person you have automatically entered the contest.

How it works: For every person you recruit you earn 1 point. I will keep a list of points right here on this page. If you recruit 5 people then you get a petpet. If you recruit 10 people you get a codestone. If you recruit 15 people you win a paint brush (yellow, red, green, blue)

Each point that you earn is worth 300nps. so if you recruit 15 people you earn 7,500 at the end of the contest. (all neopoint rewards will be given at the end of the contest.) Any person who reaches 12 points is automatically entered in a raffle. Any person who reaches 17 points is eligable to win the grand prize. The person with the most points at the end wins the grand prize. (but they have to have recruited at least 17 people to the guild to win it.) If the winner has 20 points or more I will add an extra faerie to the prize. :) NOTE: If there is a tie for winner then I will go by the first person to reach the number. NOTE: If you win the grand prize then you are not eligable to win the raffle.

An Overview: When you reach:

    Point #1 you are entered into the contest and win 300nps
    Point #5 you win a petpet + 1,500nps
    Point #10 you win a codestone + 3,000nps
    Point #12 you are entered into a raffle + 3,600nps
    Point #15 you win a paint brush + 4,500

NOTE: The only prizes handed out durring the contest are the petpets, codestones, and paint brushes.

Scavenger Hunt

How it works: Every morning I (twilight_assassin) will post three hints to three different items. After the hints have been up for two days they will be erased and you will have missed your chance for those items. Your job is to keep a list of all the items that you are supposed to find. YOU DON’T NEED TO BUY THESE ITEMS! At the end of the week you need to send your list to me, twilight_assassin. Do not send your list earlier than the day that it is due. Be the first to send the complete list and win!


  1. Every day go to the message board to see what the new hints are.
  2. Find out what the items are and write them down. Do steps 1 + 2 everyday.
  3. Send the list of all 21 items on it to twilight_assassin on the day it is due.


  1. Do not cheat! Don’t tell people what the items are or give hints; this might keep you from winning anything.
  2. Do not post answers on the message board.
  3. Do not send the list before it is due.
  4. If you are going to be gone for three or four days during the contest then contact me and we will work something out.

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