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Council Members

Notice to all council members: Any coucnil member who doesn't do their job repeatedly or doesn't long on to their account for more than 7 days has the chance of being replaced. The 7 days rule is disregarded if the coucnil member tells twilight_assassin that he/she will be absent. It is possible to get your position back if there was a misunderstanding.

The following list shows the responsibilities of each council member. (this includes 9 positions.)
NOTE: All council members are required to help monitor the message board; you must know the rules of the guild.

Agency Founder That's me, twilight_assassin. I do everything that is not covered below :). I make sure that everything happens and all goes well.

Newbie Helper (_softball_chick23) Answers the newbies questions and runs the newbie packs. Welcomes all newbies to the guild...after they post for the first time.

Recruiter (tom_boi_me) Recruits new members to the guild. Pretty self explainatory :) You need to recruit one person a week to keep this job.

Job Director (jen_62387) Handels the job section. Gets people assigned to a position every time the job needs a new person in it.

Contest Manager (puppylove3231989) Starts and ends all main/big contests. (this doesn't include raffles or random events.) Make sure people follow the rules and do what they need to do to complete the contest.

Idea Counsellor (6_rmt_397) Manages all ideas sent in. Decides if they are worth sending to the guild founder. (you must make sure you understand the person's idea before you send it to the founder.)

Special Days (mexicangray5) This person handles parties, random events and birthdays. You need to know everything found on the parties page and in the birthday section found under Special Events.

Mall Watcher (bookreader9291) Makes sure that all members of the mall have items in their shop for members of the guild as well as rules for how to get the items.

Adoption Agent (wario31) This person will go through the pets up for adoption and make sure that they still belong to who they should belong to. You need to do this every two weeks or so. You also take the requests for putting a pet in the pound. You have to make sure the pet meets the requirements of getting in the pound.
The reason you must check the pets is becuase sometimes they change color, spiecies, level or owner. And on occasion they get sick or injured. You need to let me know when this happens.

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