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| NP Tips 1 | NP Tips 2 | NP Tips 3 | Scam Awareness |

Many people in Neopia (not just the newbies) have heard something about those dishonest Neopians out there that are referred to a Scammers and Hackers. However, many Neopians don’t know the difference between the two terms. What is a Scammer? By Webster’s dictionary definement: A fraudulent business scheme; a swindle. The Neopets Breakdown: A scammer is anyone who tries to take advantage of you either by trying to get access to your personal information or by trying to get your NP by lying. What is a hacker? By Webster’s dictionary definement: One who uses programming skills to gain illegal access to a computer network or file. The Neopets Breakdown: A person who works from their computer, trying to break into yours. Soooo, Basically U run the greater risked of being scammer in Neopia then getting hacked. Keep in mind, however, that your computer can be hacked into. I'm no computer Guru or anything but (as its been said a trillion times online and in the media) every time u go online and submit a form (like your email address or a credit card #) you broadcast your computers I.P. #. A hacker with expertise in computer programming could pick up on that if they wanted. There is software out that allows you to put up a firewall around Ur comp. Check out this Firewall Supersite for details. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Neopets Team The Neopets Team is the official user look up for The Neopets Staff. To search it click here (http://www.neopets.com/search.phtml?selected_type=user&string=theneopetsteam). This is the OFFICIAL account of the Neopets teams. This is the only account from which you will receive Legitimate neomails regarding, contests, prizes, and Warnings. If you receive a neomial that claims or hints on to that kind of thing regarding a (official) game on neopets it is NOT for real. The Neopets Team will: *NEVER as for you password. EVER. ~What reason do they have to ask for your password? They know it already! They manage the whole Neopets network and their database stores all the information basics which they need to know about you. Neopets will NEVER as for you password. *IS the ONLY account you will receive OFFICIAL neomails from if you have one a prize for a game like Lenny Conundrum. ~NOTE: if you do win a game like this and receive official notice from theneopetsteam, if you receive 5000np and a jacket potato (or something) as a price the NP and Items will automatically show up on your account and you accounts inventory. theneopetsteam will NEVER need your password to send you ANYTHING. They can put it there themselves. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Account Safety Your Account: Choosing a Password These are just suggestions, not a full-on-out criteria for choosing a password but it is something to keep in mind when creating one. When creating a password: Don’t be Obvious do not create a password that is numbers or letters go up (or down) in the consecutive value. (exp: 123b321, abcdedca) do not create a password that is a 'common fraise' (i.e. password, dog, cat, flower) Try and Be Creative: your password should contain numbers and letters combined with each other. If you want u can make it something common knowledge (only) to you like your SS# or a combination of important dates. ~NOTE: if you chose dates like birthdays, make sure it is not information you use in common information...I would strongly suggest not using your own birthdate or the names of your pets (especially if you mention them alot.) After Choosing your password Make sure NEVER to tell it to anyone. ~ This is why I strongly discourage using catch phrases or birth dates.... They will be the first thing tried. If you are a person to share more about yourself than what is "common knowledge" (Name, Location, Gender, Interests), then u will probably mention your password without even knowing. If you ever feel you have given away your secret word, Change it Immediately. Alternating your password: Every few months U should change your password. (You know in a cycle). However, dont rotate between the same three passwords...Its very dangerous...especially if a person, who is trying to break into your account, is just waiting for that rotation to come back around. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scams Fake Log-in Page One of the most common scams in Neopia at the current are fake log in pages. A fake logging page is page that look like this: (log in picture here...lol) .... Or as closely simulating as possible. You will come across pages like this most commonly after clicking links provided by neopet users in their shops. ANY TIME YOU ARE LINKED TO A LOG IN PAGE AFTER CLICKING AN ITEM IN A SHOP (IN AN EFFORT TO BUY IT) DO NOT FILL OUT THE FORM!!!!!! Click the back button on your Web browser and then click the link to "report" that person’s shop. After clicking it, a new page should load that gives a conformation that your report has been received by The Neopets Team If you find that u Filled out a Fake Log in Form ...go to the Help section of neopets and Change your Password IMEDIATELY. Pet Pages The best Scam I have ever seen was a Pet page. The person literally created a survey using one of those online providers and linked to it from that page. In theses "questionnaires" they ask things like your name, birthday, what you think about neopets, how long you have been playing ((basically anything typical that would be asked of you when signing up for an account)) The very Last thing mentioned is usually if you would like to receive a 'complementary' gift for visiting the page and completing the survey. Well.... Needless to say, the offer is not legit. And once again never give out your password...ever. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Neomail Scams When I first started playing neopets...and really anytime I would create or help manage a new account I would always receive some sort of letter. A scam. What’s is a common format for a neomail scam??:: "Congratulations _________! You have been selected to receive 10,000np. Every month the neopets team randomly picks a "newbie" account to receive a Neopoint reward. It is important that you supply us with the following information so that we may send you your prize. Reply to this email so that we may set up a time to both be online and make the transfer. Please reply to this neomail with your USERNAME PZZWORD Thank You. The Neopets Team" Can U sayyyy Scamola!!! The neopets team doesn’t need that information from you. They have it their database. Anyone asking for it is trying to scam u big time. Gosh I’m getting repetitive here...lol Contests One of the easiest to be taken into. Perhaps a contest being advertised in shop where u can win a cool new Grand Lighting Bean for buying a lipstick priced at 500np ((and be entered in a raffle)). Not gonna down shop contest because so are legit. You should always look to find how old the account is. ((If the account is in the newbie stages it is more than likely a SCAM)) Contact previous winners of the contest to see if they received their prize. If previous winners are not listed in the shop then don’t bother. Better Safe then sorry. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Trading Post Scams The trading post should be the only method you use to trade any other neopets player Items of your desire. Always CHECK the shop wizards to see the true value of an item because people will lie or/and mislead. Common scams in the trading post: soandsos' wishlist: **~~The person who offers 10000np or greater with in the next 10 minutes will receive a rare Item code!!~~** Online Now. OFFER only good for 10 Minutes. scammer01's wishlist: I am trying to get these of my hands. This is a fish negg and it hatches into neggs. The first person to offer 10k=**autmatic** Ok. For one thing. No item on Neopets can reproduce another. Except the bitten green apple – IF your pet eats it. A wriggling worm May come out. But, then your pet will never eat a bitten green apple again. That’s the only exception. Secondly think about why the offers are only good for 10 minutes. The person is trying to limit the time they are being noticed in an effort not to get reported to abuse@neopets.com and have their account frozen. Check any "claims" made in TP. If you don’t know, ask a friend who may be more experienced at neopets. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The people who are more at risk to be targeted for scams. They are "Newbies", any individual listed on a High Score Table, anyone on A Guild Council, and A person with a LARGE shop, Neohome, or Neodeck......((b'cuz these things are usually wither signs that u are lacking of everything u need to know, or that u have financial success))

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