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How to Adopt a Pet

The Adopter

This is the easiest & surest way, that I know of, to transfer pets using the Neopets pound. The person who wants the pet must open 2 browser windows. In window #1 have your neomail up, in window #2 click on the pound, go up to "Adopt-A-Pet Search Engine" and then type in the exact name of the pet you want but don't hit enter... go back to window #1 and neomail the person who has the pet that you are ready. Go back to window #2 & click on "Find me my perfect pet"... then just keep refreshing the page until the pet pops up, then click on it fast!! (make sure you click the picture).... Ok a few basics for this to work: You must neomail the foster owner & tell them you want the pet, then work out a time to transfer it. You must have enough money out to pay for the adoption fee (Neopets charges, not us) and you must be really fast!

The Foster Parent

Make sure you read the section above and then keep the following in mind when you are giving our pet to someone else: Once you are ready and the person says they are ready, go to Adoptions and click on Abandon & then disown the pet... don't stop to neomail the new potential owner, just go straight away and disown it. That's the best advice I can give! GOOD LUCK! (Adopt-A-Pet cannot gaurantee any adoptions)

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