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Twenty-First Edition  December 8, 2002
(page 11)
Chakra Balancing, a Meditation

 Reverend Laura Harris

Began by completing the more advanced version of Exercise #1: Rhythmic
Breathing [ed. note: this exercise can be found in The Butterfly Net, Twentieth Edition].

Visualize a little red ball of light spinning at the base of your spine. This is the root chakra. Mentally note any color that it is and the direction it is spinning if possible. Begin to mentally change the hue of the ball to a brilliant, clear, ruby red. Force the chakra to spin in a clockwise direction if it is not already doing so. Once the root chakra is spinning in the proper direction with the correct hue, expand it until your whole body is surrounded by this brilliant red light. Diminish the red sphere until it has returned to the little red ball of light at the base of your spine.

Slowly turn your attention upward to the orange ball of light slightly above the root chakra. This orange ball of light is your sacral chakra. Mentally note any color that it is and the direction it is spinning if possible. Begin to mentally change the hue of the ball to a stunning orange. Force the chakra to spin in a clockwise direction if it is not already doing so. Once the sacral chakra is spinning in the proper direction with the correct hue, expand it until your whole body is encased in orange light. Diminish the orange sphere
until it has returned to the little orange ball of light behind your naval region.

Slowly turn your attention upward to the yellow ball of light slightly above the sacral chakra. This yellow ball of light is your solar plexus chakra. Mentally note any color that it is and the direction it is spinning if possible. Begin to mentally change the hue of the ball to a bright sun yellow. Force the chakra to spin in a clockwise direction if it is not already doing so. Once the solar plexus chakra is spinning in the proper direction with the correct hue expand it until this yellow light surrounds your whole body. Diminish the yellow sphere until it has returned to the little yellow ball of light behind your stomach.

Slowly turn your attention upward to the green ball of light slightly above the solar plexus chakra. This green ball of light is your heart chakra. Mentally note any color that it is and the direction it is spinning if possible. Begin to mentally change the hue of the ball to a clear emerald green color. Force the chakra to spin in a clockwise direction if it is not already doing so. Once the heart chakra is spinning in the proper direction with the correct hue, expand it until your whole body is surrounded by this green light. Take a moment to breath in this green. Diminish the green sphere until it has returned to the little green ball of light behind your heart.

Slowly turn your attention upward to the blue ball of light slightly above the heart chakra. This blue ball of light is your throat chakra. Mentally note any color that it is and the direction it is spinning if possible. Begin to mentally change the hue of the ball to a sky-blue. Force the chakra to spin in a clockwise direction if it is not already doing so. Once the throat chakra is spinning in the proper direction with the correct hue, expand it until your whole body is covered in blue light. Diminish the blue sphere until it has returned to the little blue ball of light from your throat.

Slowly turn your attention upward to the purple ball of light in your eye brow region. This purple ball of light is your third eye chakra. Mentally note any color variance in the chakra and the direction it is spinning. Begin to mentally change the hue of the ball to a clear, deep purple. Force the chakra to spin in a clockwise direction if it is not already doing so. Once the third eye chakra is spinning in the proper direction with the correct hue, expand it until your whole body embraces this purple light. Diminish the purple sphere until it has returned to the little purple ball of light near your third eye.

Slowly turn your attention upward to the white ball of light descending down from the sky above. This white ball of light is your crown chakra beginning to open to receive messages from the divine. Take a moment to feel the warmth and love from this light.

Mentally note any distortion in color and the direction it is spinning. Begin to mentally change the hue of the ball to the most brilliant white light that you can imagine. Force the chakra to spin in a clockwise direction if it is not already doing so. Once the crown chakra is spinning in the proper direction with the correct hue, expand it until your whole body is covered in brilliant white light. Feel the warmth on your skin. Feel it penetrate deep into your tissues and muscles. Feel it warm your bones. Then diminish the white sphere until it has returned to the little white ball of light at the top of your head.

Begin to wiggle your toes and fingers. Become aware of the position of your physical body. Slowly move your legs and arms. Open your eyes then take a moment to become aware of the room around you. Immediately, record all of the colors, images, etc. from this meditation in your journal.

Editor’s Note: Feel free to email "Rev" Laura with any questions or comments. Her address is