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Twenty-First Edition  December 8, 2002
(page 8)
POS Recovery Group

Dear Friends,

We are starting a small partner group here for those of who want a special place to support each other as you deal with life in recovery from addiction. Iris has volunteered to be the group leader.

It is not intended to replace POS, but to supplement, and no "outsiders" will be allowed into the group. I will put a copy of the group description below my signature.  If you qualify and would like to add the Recovery Group to your collection, let me or Iris know privately.

Love and peace,
Karyl, mother of Arlyn

POS Recovery Group Description

The Parents of suicide recovery group (POS-RG), is a group that welcomes all members of POS who are involved, (or were), in a 12 step recovery program. The group offers a safe place for discussion of recovery issues, especially how our life in recovery is affected by the loss of our children. Members of
the group will receive group mail, a weekly topic email and have a weekly chat in a special chat room for this group. Please contact Karyl (, or Iris ( if you wish to join us.

Love and Blessings, Iris, Danny's Mom