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Twenty-First Edition  December 8, 2002
(page 2)
C o n c e r n s

Please lift our friends and their families in your thoughts as they face challenges and difficult times:

Elaine (Mark)~Her mother is in intensive care. She had surgery to stop her internal bleeding.

Shirley (Greg)~Her husband Garey had a heart attack.  He's in the hospital in stable condition.

Michelle (Christopher)~"My EKG showed that I have had 2 heart attacks....I have been so worried about husband had a heart attack a year. ago last." They have a 10 year old daughter who especially needs our thoughts. Michelle was scheduled to have and EKG stress test last Tuesday.

Kimberly (Christopher)~Randy, her fiancé, recently went through angioplasty surgery. He’s out of the hospital and feeling quite good. He’ll be having more tests in the new year.

Linda (Ray)~Ryan, her daughter's boyfriend, attempted suicide last week.  He is recovering at home.

Julia (Kenneth)~"Sunday, December 8th...another memorial is being held in our yard today. This time for my Great Nephew Jerry, who passed away last Sunday of Leukemia and Lymphoma that he had been fighting for almost 2 years. This is a mere 6 weeks since my husband died and less than a year since our Son died...Too much for one family to deal with! Please say a prayer or send POSitive thoughts to his Mom Wendy today as we say goodbye to Jerry. Thank you all."

Carol (Niki)~She was hospitalized suddenly last week. She's home now.

Kristi (Chris)~"I really need some positive thoughts for my son Justin in the army. He is having a rough time right now and I am worried about him. He is worried about his girlfriend here....He told her he is depressed and wishes he never signed up ... He is coming home Dec. 20th. that cant come soon enough."

Donna (Ben)~She’s struggling with chronic illnesses. Her three daughter are each facing challenges.

Margaret (Jeff)~She had heart catheterization surgery Monday, November 25.

Tracy (Daniel)~Her son, Andrew, is struggling with depression and anxiety. He may also have a stomach ulcer. He’s not doing well at school, because he’s been missing much due to his illnesses.

Frieda (Buckley)~"I miss my son and I am angry that he left me alone in this earth." She’s also having some difficulties at home.

Sandy (Danny)~She has severe rheumatoid arthritis, and she is in a great deal of pain.

Marianne (Geoff and Wendy)~Her grandson (Geoff and Wendy’s son) Jesse (11) is struggling greatly. Marianne is his guardian. She’s been having a difficult time taking care of him and finding doctors who will help him with his condition. Marianne is not online right now, but you may send her messages through Lynne, Mum to Peter and Tony.

Carol P. (Barry)~Her son, Brian, is struggling with many issues and needs our prayers and positive energy greatly during the next couple months.

Barbara (Jason)~ Her grandson Geoffrey "continues with ups and downs." His low platelet count means that he is now restricted from most activity. "Sometimes, his platelet count gets as high as 24,000. Other times, it drops so low he can hardly walk. He has treatments every week." (Ongoing concern.)

Barbara (Jason)~JD Garland, her other grandson (11 years old) has had numerous health concerns, including "Russell Silver Syndrome." "...I can't describe how I feel about him. He's SO much like Jason..." (Ongoing concern.)

Please contact Marcy through POS group or at to list your concern.