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Editor, Joys and Concerns
Twenty-First Edition  December 8, 2002
(page 3)
J o y s

Please share in our friends' moments of joy.

Diana (Dustin)~"My Joy is for my friend Diane Logeman. Her and her husband will be first time grandparents in January. Their new granddaughter will be named Abigal Ryan after their son Daniel Ryan Logeman who died by suicide in Jan 2000."

Patty (Allen)~"We received wonderful news, Logan's cancer has not spread and is contained in the prostate...Even though we still have to wait until the 10th to find out what treatment will be used, know that it has not spread makes the wait a lot easier."

Maggi (Sacia)~"Mom came through the surgery like a trooper!!!!!!! The Dr. was "amazed" at how well she did!!!!"

Bob and Lynda (Darren)~"We will be going to the 2003 Retreat on the 4th of April at
Pavo, Georgia."

Karyl (Arlyn)~"I was able to meet several beautiful POS members in Colorado recently: Wanda Brooks, Gail Skinner, April O'Brien, Gina Kinnamon, Joyce Hatch, Mo White, and Pat Raske, as well as David Skinner and Pat White, husbands of Eric and Mo.

Joan (Erick) ~"My daughter Jessica, had a baby boy on Oct. 10, 8lb. 7oz and 21 in. I was in delivery room (same hospital I gave birth to Erick in) and it was the most wonderful experience of my life. I love this precious little guy, and I feel he already knows Erick, said goodbye to him when it was time to come into his earthly body, and knows we'll all be together someday. His name---Miles Erick McNamee."

Please contact Marcy through POS group email or at to list your joy.