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[ Basic Bazookas ]

> left wind <

> right wind <

> no wind <


[ Basic Grenades ]

> 1 sec <

> 1 sec (2) <

> 2 sec <

> 3 sec <

> 4 sec <

> 5 sec <


[ Rules ]

> bng settings <

> cheap teleport <

> cheap girder <

> digging <

> straight shot <


[ Choosing Spot ]
> teleport <

> blowing up 1 <

> blowing up 2 <


[ Full wind Bazooka ]

> full wind 1 <

> full wind 2 <

> curve downwards <


[ Zook in the Back ]

> bazooka in the back <


[ Ceiling ]

> bazooka over ceiling <






[ Girders ]

> girder nade 1 <

> girder nade 2 <

> girder risk <

> double girder <

> maximum bounce <


[ Terrain Bounce ]

> grenade 1 <

> grenade 2 <


[ Bounce Nades ]
> bouncing nade 1 <

> bouncing nade 2 <


[ Water Bounce ]

> bazooka 1 <

> bazooka 2 <

> grenade <


[ Pushing ]

> bazooka <

> grenade 1 <

> grenade 2 <

> grenade 3 <


[ Fun Shots ]
> bazooka <

> grenade <


[ Different Shots ] 

> bazooka right wind 1 <

> bazooka right wind 2 <

> bazooka no wind <

> bazooka left wind <

> grenade 1 sec <

> grenade 2 sec <

> grenade 3 sec <

> grenade 4 sec <

> grenade 5 sec <

< Rules: BnG settings >

How to play a BnG game? Well here are some of the things to watch when making BnG settings:

  • Expert BnG is either anchored or unanchored. If you play anchored you risk to get in impossible positions though. If you use unanchored sets should have 15, or even better 10, second turns. The key is the retreat though: 0 sec. The short turns make walking to your opponent impossible, the retreat makes hiding or cheap nades (laying a nade on the opponents head and then run) impossible.

  • The only weapons are bazookas and grenades, all other weapons do not belong in a BnG, so no mortars, petrols or clusters.

  • 2/3 Girders, 2 blowtorches and 2 teleports for each team.

  • Teleport worms in at the start of the game.

  • No crates.

  • 4 players is best for a BnG game, so try to get close to that. A 1on1 should be 2 worms each, 3 players and more is 1 worm each.

Unlike ropers, bng players are mostly nice guys, so fair play is not only a good thing, nothing less than it is expected. Breaking any of the rules is a not only a reason to skip a turn, but also a reason to be disliked. Some of these rules are discussed in this section of the BnG tutorial being: cheap teleports, cheap girders, straight bazooka shots and blowtorching to do damage to the enemy.

Peter Hendrix aka IllBeBack, July 2000