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[ Basic Bazookas ]

> left wind <

> right wind <

> no wind <


[ Basic Grenades ]

> 1 sec <

> 1 sec (2) <

> 2 sec <

> 3 sec <

> 4 sec <

> 5 sec <


[ Rules ]

> bng settings <

> cheap teleport <

> cheap girder <

> digging <

> straight shot <


[ Choosing Spot ]
> teleport <

> blowing up 1 <

> blowing up 2 <


[ Full wind Bazooka ]

> full wind 1 <

> full wind 2 <

> curve downwards <


[ Zook in the Back ]

> bazooka in the back <


[ Ceiling ]

> bazooka over ceiling <






[ Girders ]

> girder nade 1 <

> girder nade 2 <

> girder risk <

> double girder <

> maximum bounce <


[ Terrain Bounce ]

> grenade 1 <

> grenade 2 <


[ Bounce Nades ]
> bouncing nade 1 <

> bouncing nade 2 <


[ Water Bounce ]

> bazooka 1 <

> bazooka 2 <

> grenade <


[ Pushing ]

> bazooka <

> grenade 1 <

> grenade 2 <

> grenade 3 <


[ Fun Shots ]
> bazooka <

> grenade <


[ Different Shots ] 

> bazooka right wind 1 <

> bazooka right wind 2 <

> bazooka no wind <

> bazooka left wind <

> grenade 1 sec <

> grenade 2 sec <

> grenade 3 sec <

> grenade 4 sec <

> grenade 5 sec <

< Choosing spot: blowing up 2 >

Need more height? Well this is a trick to gain just a little more of it: jump right before the nade explodes. It gives you just the bit of extra height you might need. This comes down to timing. If you jump too early your worm will hardly go up.

Peter Hendrix aka IllBeBack, July 2000