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[ Basic Bazookas ]

> left wind <

> right wind <

> no wind <


[ Basic Grenades ]

> 1 sec <

> 1 sec (2) <

> 2 sec <

> 3 sec <

> 4 sec <

> 5 sec <


[ Rules ]

> bng settings <

> cheap teleport <

> cheap girder <

> digging <

> straight shot <


[ Choosing Spot ]
> teleport <

> blowing up 1 <

> blowing up 2 <


[ Full wind Bazooka ]

> full wind 1 <

> full wind 2 <

> curve downwards <


[ Zook in the Back ]

> bazooka in the back <


[ Ceiling ]

> bazooka over ceiling <






[ Girders ]

> girder nade 1 <

> girder nade 2 <

> girder risk <

> double girder <

> maximum bounce <


[ Terrain Bounce ]

> grenade 1 <

> grenade 2 <


[ Bounce Nades ]
> bouncing nade 1 <

> bouncing nade 2 <


[ Water Bounce ]

> bazooka 1 <

> bazooka 2 <

> grenade <


[ Pushing ]

> bazooka <

> grenade 1 <

> grenade 2 <

> grenade 3 <


[ Fun Shots ]
> bazooka <

> grenade <


[ Different Shots ] 

> bazooka right wind 1 <

> bazooka right wind 2 <

> bazooka no wind <

> bazooka left wind <

> grenade 1 sec <

> grenade 2 sec <

> grenade 3 sec <

> grenade 4 sec <

> grenade 5 sec <

< Bazooka in the Back: bazooka in the back >

The next shot would be very hard when done with a nade (you would need a girder) and impossible to hit with a zook in the normal way. But there is a backdoor :) Be rude and surprise that poor worm from the back. He won't even get a chance to be angry, he will drown before he knows he's hit. Looks like this:

Peter Hendrix aka IllBeBack, July 2000