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The different people of The Flower Bud Village are also a very important part of the game. You should try to befriend all of the villagers, because it raises your percentage in the end. Also you would really like to have friends, wouldn't you? Below is each name, description, and b-day of the villagers.

Name : Lillia
Born : Spring 19
Info : Lillia is a very nice, but sick women. She hates not being able to pay the doctor for her medicine, and she thinks her son is very odd.
Likes: Flowers, Medicine, Honey
Dislikes: Eggs

Name : Rick
Born : Fall 27
Info : Rick is a nice guy, just a little over bearing. He worries alot about Popuri (his sister), and he doesn't like Kai at all.
Likes: Spa Boiled Eggs, Bodgizer
Dislikes: unknown for the moment

Name : Popuri
Born : Spring 3

Name : Barley Yodel
Born : Spring 17
Info : Barely is a pretty nice guy. He appreciates when you are nice to his Granddaughter May. He likes it when you when the cow and sheep festivals.
Likes: unknown for the moment
Dislikes: unknown for the moment

Name : May
Born : Winter 26
Info : May is a sweet little girl who likes you from the beginning. She gets bored easily, and doesn't get all the attention she wants at home. That's why she frequently visits Pastor Carter.
Likes: Garbage (boots), Flowers, Sweets, Honey
Dislikes: unknown for the moment

Name : Saibara
Born : Spring 11
Info : Is a reserved old man who thinks you are sort of strange. He thinks that his grandson is a failure as a apprentice, and he doesn't like him spending to much time at the library.
Likes:Metal Ores, Turnips
Disklikes: Iron Ore (cheap ore)

Name : Gray
Born : Winter 6
Info : Is a nice guy who is sort of shy. He wants to show his grandfather Saibara that he is a good blacksmith, but he also wants to go back to the city. He's not happy in the village.
Likes: Metal Ores
Dislikes: Iron Ore (cheap ore)

Name : Duke
Born : Winter 15
Info : Duke is the town drunkard. He is loud and boistrous. He makes a good friend, but a really bad enemy. He started drink every night since his daughter Aja left the village.
Likes: Grapes, Truffles
Dislikes: Forest Animals

Name : Manna
Born : Fall 11
Info : Out of all the village's gossipers, Manna is the nicest. She does talk alot though, so be warned. She has no trouble admitting to the fact that her husband is a drunk, and she knows that it is because of their daughter leaving.
Likes: Grapes, Truffles, Toy Flowers, Animals
Dislike: unknown for the moment

Name : Jeff
Born : Winter 29
Info : A very nice, but somewhat fidgety man. He gets sick alot and basically has no spine when it comes to confrontations with his wife or anyone else for that matter. He's worried he won't be able to pay of the grocery stores bills.
Likes:unknown for the moment
Dislikes:unknown for the moment

Name : Sasha
Born : Spring 30
Info : Sasha is a nice women, who is always in the mood to talk. She calls her daughter a busy body, and she thinks her husband Jeff is a pushover. She is also one of the town gossipers.
Likes: Flowers, sweets
Dislikes: unknown for the moment

Name : Karen
Born : Fall 15

Name : Basil
Born : Summer 11
Info : Basil is a very nice, enthusiastic botanist. He has written several books about plants, and about the village. He wishes he had a field like you, and encourages you to make good use of it.
Likes: Green herbs, any mushroom
Dislikes: unknown for the moment

Name : Anne
Born : Fall 23
Info : Anna is the last of the town gossipers, and she is a pretty nice woman. She wishes her daughter Maria was more feminine, and she thinks her husband is selfish and works to much.
Likes: Flowers, honey, sweets
Dislikes: Mushrooms, herbs

Name : Mary
Born : Winter 20
Name : Doctor
Born : Fall 17
Info : The doctor is a very serious, but nice man. He is extremely dedicated to his job, even though he doesn't think he is needed. He appreciates Elli more than anyone in the village, even though he doesn't know how to tell.
Likes: Wine, bamboo shoots
Dislikes: Jewlery

Name : Elli
Born : Spring 16

Name : Pastor Carter
Born : Fall 20
Info : Carter is a very kind man. He loves the children of the village, and he has them come play at the church quite often. He seems to think that he really doesn't do anything to benefit the village.
Likes: Fish, wine
Dislikes: unknown for the moment

Name : Doug
Born : Winter 11
Info : Doug is a nice man who has had to raise his daughter Ann by himself. He wants Ann to be more feminine and wants her to have a husband. He is usually the peace maker in the village, and he likes Kai, though many of the other men don't.
Likes: unknown for the moment
Dislikes: unknown for the moment

Name : Ann
Born : Summer 17

Name : Won
Born : Winter 19
Info : Won is a fallible, but harmless peddler. He can actually be pretty nice, but business is his top priority, not friendship.
Likes: unknown for the moment
Dislikes: unknown for the moment

Name : Cliff
Born : Spring 6
Info : Cliff is a nice, but sad and quiet young man. He lives at the inn, but stays at the church mainly. Ann reminds him of his sister, and he is grateful for her kindness. He wishes to get a job, so he can stay in the village. *If you don't become friends with him and help him find a job, he will leave!
Likes: Flowers
Dislikes: unknown for the moment

Name : Kai
Born : Summer 22
Info : Kai is a cocky but very friendly guy. He doesn't like that the villagers tend to shun him, but he still comes back every summer. He likes Popuri the most out of the people in the village, though this causes her brother great dismay.
Likes: Corn, tomatoes
Dislikes: unknown for the moment

Name : Zack
Born : Summer 29
Info : Zack is the nice buyer that stops by your house at 5PM. He lives by himself, and he wants to ask one of the women to marry him, but she herself is already married.
Likes: Orichalc Ore
Dislikes: unknown for the moment

Name : Greg
Born : Spring 29
Info : Greg is the aloof fisherman of the village. He usually only found at the dock at the beach. He doesn't go to the festivals, and his main concern in life seems to be fishing. He seems pretty nice, just more interested in fish then you.
Likes: Medium/large fish Dislikes: unknown for the moment

Name : Gotz
Born : Fall 2
Info : Gotz is the nice man who lives up in the mountains. He like so many of the other villagers puts work ahead of friendship. Gotz is also a sad man because he lost his entire family in a blizzard serveral years back.
Likes : Sweet potatoes, eggs, milk
Dislike : Flowers

Name : Louis
Born : Spring 2
Info : Louis is a very kind beekeeper who is looking for a rare type of bee. He lives at Gotz's house. He thinks you are a really nice young man.
Likes: Flowers, honey
Dislikes: unknown for the moment

Name : Mayor Thomas
Born : Summer 25
Info : A jolly man who is always wondering around the village. He loves apple pie from the Inn, and he often spends the weekends with Ellen, Elli's grandmother. He also goes to the Inn sometimes to have lunch with his son, Harris. He keep a close eye on you to see how you are coming along.
Likes: Apple pie, milk, sweets
Dislikes: Unknown for the moment

Name : Kano
Born : Winter 2
Info : Kano is a photographer who lives with the Major. He's pretty nice, but also very reserved.
Likes: Bamboo shoots
Dislikes: unknown for the moment

Name : Ellen
Born : Winter 13
Info : Kind old lady that has lived a very long time in the village. She lives with her two grandchildren. She hopes to see a few things before she dies.
Likes: Mushrooms, sweets
Dislikes: unknown for the moment

Name : Stu
Born : Fall 5
Info : Stu is a rowdy little boy that lives in the village. He gets lonely easily, and plays tricks on Elli to get attention. He usually plays with May, and they visit Pastor Carter together.
Likes: Sweets
Dislikes: unknown for the moment