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Fulfilling all your HM:BTN needs!

There are many different places for you to visit every day in Mineral Village, many of which are a vital key to you becoming a successul farmer. So listen up good kiddies, cause here is the list.

Chicken Lil's    Lillia    Mon - Sat ; 10:30 AM - 4 PM

This is the place where you go to buy chickens, their feed, and their medicine (if needed). You can also sell your chickens here for about 500G (this is the price for normal chickens, the price could go up if the chickens are laying gold eggs). Popuri and Rick live here with their mother as well.

Yodel Ranch    Barley Yodel   Tues - Sun ; 8 AM - 5 PM

Here is where you can get your horse. You can also buy cows and sheep, their fodder, medicine, and pregnancy potion. You are also able to sell them back to Barley. There are two festivals that occur here. Barley lives here with is young grandaugter, May.

Rose Square    n/a    n/a

This is where almost all the festivals occur. You can also go to the square to drop off garbage, look at the festival bullentin board, and maybe talk to a few of the village's gossipers. The square is the center of the village with four different paths leading from it

The Beach    n/a   n/a

Just head south when you are in the Square and you will end up here. This is where two festivals occur. You can fish on the pier and catch some really nice fish. During the summer you can visit the Seaside Lodge for some food or just to hang out with Kai.

The Church    Pastor Carter    All week ; 9 AM - 6 PM

You head to the east from the square and you will stumble upon the church. There isn't much activity there. You can visit if you want to confess of your sins. Or maybe you just want to visit Pastor Carter and any other church goers of the village. Who knows, you might just have your wedding here.

The Clinic    The Doctor    Closed Wenesdays ; 9 AM - 5 PM

Go straight up from the church and you'll find the clinic. This is where you can come for exams and medicine, or where you will end up if you pass out. You can become friends with the doctor that works here, or you might try to woo Elli, who is the secretary/nurse of the clinic. The Inn    Doug    All Week ; 10 AM - 5 PM (Restaurant) ; 5 PM - 12 AM (Bar)

This is the perfect place to just go and relax. On the lower floor you can treat yourself to the wonderful food served there, and talk to the rest of the villagers. You can go upstairs to see who is deciding to spend the night at the inn, or you might just want to say hello to the cat. You can become friends with the owner Doug who is found no where else. Or maybe become friends with Won, the man who sells seeds of flowers and such. You can also try to tickle Ann's fancy by visiting her there.

Supermarket    Jeff    Closed Thurs & Sun ; 9 AM - 5 PM

You get basically everything you need from the Supermarket. All the crops you harvest, and all the basic food for cooking (oil, flour, etc.). You can also upgrade your rusack, and buy a basket for your farm. This is the place to buy fish food too. If your trying to impress people, just wrap gifts here, and eventually a blue feather will be able to be bought here. You can visit Sasha and Jeff, or maybe just their daughter Karen, even though she isn't here that often.

Thomas' House    Thomas    n/a

Here you can visit the Major of the village, and he might just bring up your progress on the farm. You can visit Kano, who lives at the Major's house. You might be able to catch Harris as well, because he comes home when he is done patroling.

Ellen's House    Ellen    n/a

This is where Ellen lives with her two grandchildren, Stu and Elli. The Major might ask you to visit Ellen one day and give her a pie. Or you might just want to stop and give her and Stu company. Elli can be found here on days she's off from work.

Mary's Library    Mary    Closed Mon ; 10 AM - 4 PM

The only reason to visit the library is either when you want to see Mary or Gray, and sometimes the Doctor. You can also browse thru the titles of books, but you are never able to take one home.

Basil's House    Basil    n/a

This house is where Basil, Anna, and Mary live. This house is actually connected to the library. You can just drop in and visit Anna and Basil. You might be able to talk to Mary here, but she is usually at work.

Aja Winery    Duke & Manna    Closed Sun ; 9 AM 12 PM

This is the place to buy wine or grape juice. You might be able to get a part time job here over the fall. Drop buy and visit Duke and Manna often, they always enjoy your company.

The Blacksmith Shop    Saibara    &nsbp;Closed Thurs ; 10 AM - 5 PM

You come here to get your tools upgraded or maybe to buy new tools. You can also have Saibara make gifts for a girl. You can also just visit Gray.

Gotz's House    Gotz    Uknown for the moment

Come here to get extensions for your farm and house. You can also buy lumber, and visit with Louis, Gotz, and some other villagers who make their way up to his house.