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Fulfilling all your HM:BTN needs!

Chicken Coop Extension
Cost: 5000G
Wood: 420 peices
Adds an additional 5 feeding stalls, plus another incubator.

First House Extension
Cost: 4700g
Wood: 370 peices
Adds a kitchen (i.e. fridge, stove) and a cabinet for storing.

Barn Extension
Cost: 6800G
Wood: 500 peices
Adds an additional 10 feeding stalls, plus another breeding station

Second House Extension
Cost: 10000G
Wood: 750 peices
Expands the kitchen, adds a living room. Adds a bedroom, complete with two beds and a fireplace. Comes with rugs. You need this to get married.

Hot House
Cost: 30000G
Wood: 580 peices
A building next to your house where you can plant vegetables and other things year round. Can be blown away by hurricanes, blizzards, and typhoons.