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10 years ago, you visited your grandfather's farm when your family's vacation plans fell through. Your grandfather was very busy and didn't have time to play with you, so you spent most of your time alone around village. One day you met a little girl, and you ended up playing and singing together. At the end of your trip, just when you were leaving, the little girl came by the farm and made you promise that you'd come back someday and visit her.

You are now grown up and have returned to your grandfather's old farm. Things have changed greatly ever since your grandfather passed away. The farm is in shambles, and it is up to you to restore it to it's original state. Major Thomas and the people of the village have come to the agreement that if you can turn the farm back to the way it was when your grandfather was still living, you'll get to stay in Flower Bud Village and become a part of their community. But if the farm is neglected and you don't get along with the villagers, then you'll be asked to leave. Not only are you hoping to turn your grandfather's farm back to the way it was so many years ago, you are also hoping to find the young girl who you had known and fulfill your promise to her.