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Fulfilling all your HM:BTN needs!

The sprites are the little elf-type creatures that live in the little hut behind the church. They can become your hired help, and do some of the chores for you around the farm.

List of Jobs

Water the fields
Harvest the fields
Take care of livestock

Days of Works

Hired for one day
Hired for three days
Hired for one week


You have to have two hearts or higher with the sprites to have them work.
During the spring, they won't want to work, but if you ask them 5 times in a row, they will give in.

The Sprites
Each Sprite has a different color and personality.

Name : Bold
Suit : Purple
Born : Spring 4
He thinks you are trustworthy, and is willing to work.

Name : Aqua
Suit : Aqua
Born : Spring 26
He thinks none of the other sprites have a sense of fashion, doesn't want to work because he will get his suit dirty.

Name : Chef
Suit : Red
Born : Fall 14
He wishes that you needed him to cook for you, is pretty willing to work.

Name : Nappy
Suit : Orange
Born : Winter 22
He wants to know if you are available to play, is slightly reluctant to work, would rather be playing.

Name : Staid
Suit : Dark Blue
Born : Spring 15
He wants to work and says he can get the job down fast.

Name : Hoggy
Suit : Yellow
Born : Fall 10
He would rather off sleep then anything, very reluctant to go to work.

Name : Timid
Suit : Green
Born : Spring 16
He is scared very easily, and you tend to frighten him, he is pretty willing to work.