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NEW YEARS DAY (Spring 1, well obviously)
Okay, you don't get to celebrate this one your first year. There are two places you can go during this festival. The Inn or Rose Square. At the Inn you get to talk to the older villagers and have a couple of drinks. At the Rose Garden, which mainly holds the younger villagers, you get to dance with the girl of your choice. The festival starts at 6PM

This is a really cute festival. You get to ask the girl of your choice to go to the festival with you, then afterwards you go on a little "date". To escort a girl to the festival, you need to have them up to atleast a purple heart. You should be able to participate your first year, as long as you give the girl of your choosing a ton of gifts in the 6 and a half days beforehand (you need to ask the girl on the seventh of Spring). Inviting a girl to go with you can really raise the heart level. The girl will come pick you up for the festival around 6AM, so you'll have to get your chores done really fast while she is waiting.

This one is sorta hard to celebrate your first year. If you can, try to give something sweet to the girl of your choosing, it may or may not have a big effect on them. It's better when you are able to make cookies for them in your own kitchen, they seem to like that more. Would could always give wine to Karen though, because she doesn't really like sweets anyway.

You cannot celebrate this one your first year, because even if you got the horse, it's still to young to be ridden. You can still go to the festival to place bets and to mingle. Sometimes it can raise your heart level with a girl if you talk to her at every intermission. The next year, you should be able to enter your horse. Make sure to train him extra hard! This festival begins at 10AM, I'm pretty sure.

This festival is impossible or very difficult to take part in your first year. The years after though, make sure to enter one of your more complex dishes. The festival beings at 10AM.

OPENING DAY (Summer 1)
Okay this is the swimming festival. It is pretty easy to win, once you get used to it. Unlike the 64 version, you have stamina, in order to win you have to match the right ammount of breaths along with the right amount of strokes. This festival also begins at 10AM.

This an interesting contest for your chickens. You might be able to win the one your first year. You should choose the chicken with the most hearts and probably the one you've had for the longerst time. It's sorta like chicken sumo wrestling, the chicken that gets scared and backs out of the ring first, is the looser. If you win the festival, your hen will start to produce golden eggs.

I consider this festival to actually be one of the best. It's fun. You are allowed to participate in three groups: Ann and Doug's (Star Team) , Elli and Stu's (Sheep Team) , Popuri and Rick's (Chicken Team) , Manna and Duke's (Aja Team). You can hide behind barrels and the object of the game is to lob tomatoes at the other team. Whichever team that all the players get hit with tomatoes first, looses. If you win the first round, you'll get to play in the second round.

COW FESTIVAL (Summer 20)
You probably can't enter this your first year, cause you probably won't have an adult cow that gives large milk, or one with enough hearts. You enter the cow the day before this festival. Whichever cow considered the best will win. If your cow wins, it will start producing gold milk.

This festival is held at the beach around 6PM. You can choose the girl you would like to watch the fireworks with, unless you are married. Also during the second year, you can meet Kai at Rose Square, and you guys go to Mother Hill on the peak and watch the fireworks together.

On the second day of fall, Pastor Carter will stop by your farm and ask you to participate in the music festival. You should accept. Then the next day, you have to be at the church at 6PM sharp to play. You can not be late to the festival. There's not much you can do during this festival. You can talk to the villagers before it starts, but after it starts, all you can do is watch.

This is a festival, where you have to bring food off of your farm. You then take it to the Rose Square and put it in the melting pot with all the ingredients the other villagers put in. You can ruin the food in the hot pot, so be careful! You shouldn't choose to bring any sweet food, like apples or honey. Try to vegetables instead.

This festival takes place around 6PM up on Mother's Peak. The girl you have the most affection with will be there. You guys will talk a little and she will give you a snack she made.

The day before the festival, your sheep will be entered. You need to make sure that you don't sheer the sheep you want to enter into this festival. If your sheep wins, it will start to produce gold wool.

DOG RACE (Winter 10)
After almost a year of training your dog, you should be able to win this your first year. It takes place in Rose Garden, your race is usually the third.

Stay at your farm to atleast 3PM on this day. If you have all the girls up to a purple heart or higher, they will stop by and give you chocolate. If you are married, you wife will hide it in your rucksack before you get up in the morning.

This is a festival where you get to eat dinner with your favorite girl's family. You need to talk to her the day before, then she will invite you over to her house for the festival, around 6PM. If you are married, you have dinner at your farm, then you go out and watch the stars on Mother's Hill.

Around 12AM, you need to go to Mother's Hill. You can talk a few of your neighbors, then you get to watch the sunrise with Saibara.