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Arwen's Story

by Kree8Tion

©copyright 2001



~ The Arrival ~



Lord Aragon and Lady Arwen stood at the entrance of the Great Hall, waiting for the Town Crier to announce their arrival. Aragon patted her gloved hand with his free hand and she glanced up at him. She was grateful to his understanding her nervousness.


The Town Crier's words made Arwen lift her head in surprise. She was still unaccustomed to hearing herself referred to as Lady Arwen rather than plain Arwen and she felt her own intake of breath. She and Aragon moved forward and began to descend the grand stair case. Her gown of yellow draped in folds down the length of her and the pale pattern of moons and stars glittered in the candlight as she moved. She had visions of tripping on her hem that Lady Fay worked so hard with and rolling down the staircase, head over feet while once more in Aragon's presence, her skirt flew in the air.

Aragon sensed her worry and put his free hand upon Arwen's again. She looked up at him and smiled. She barely remembered there was a Great Hall filled with other people. She only saw Lord Aragon and as they mingled through the crowd slowly, her ears heard music but her heart only heard him.

Aragon was in the same predicament. Arwen's gown reflected his tunic and there was no question who her escort would be for the evening. Still, his stomach insisted on swirling at the thought Arwen might accept a dance from another gentleman. He remained silent as they moved towards a group of other Cotillion attendees, nodding to each as they passed.

Aragon led Arwen to a group of seats and handed her to sit a moment. Arwen sat, glad to rest her legs that seemed to be shaking loud enough for all to hear above the music playing. She glanced around and felt small within the large crowd, growing each time the Town Crier spoke an announcement.

Lord Aragon lowered his head to whisper in Arwen's ear.

"My Lady is the fairest in attendance this evening." Arwen blushed at his comment but felt herself relax. If Aragon spoke the words, Arwen would believe them. As long as he was by her side, Arwen would have the grandest time in all of Merlin's world.

Arwen glanced around again and wondered why none of the chairs had arms. All the chairs as far as the eye could see were straight backed and rigid in nature. Arwen wondered why.



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Sunday, November 25, 2001 09:12 AM