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Arwen's Story

by Kree8Tion

©copyright 2001



~ The Attendance ~


Aragon stood near Arwen and gazed among the crowds. His foot tapped the floor keeping time with the music now playing. His eye would roam downwards and rest upon Arwen, and his head would spin. How could such a sliver of a girl do that? Aragon cleared his throat as if it would clear his confusion.

"Yes My Lord?" Arwen looked up at Aragon, hoping he was trying to say something.

"Nothing Lady Arwen. Merely a tickle. Nothing more." Aragon stared straight ahead. He tugged on his cravat once more as if it were choking him and rocked from one foot to the other. How could he tell her?

Arwen waited patiently for Lord Aragon to request a dance. She too tapped her toes but her toes moved from impatience more than rhythm. The music ended and Arwen wiggled in her seat knowing the next dance would belong to her and Lord Aragon. The musicians paused for merely a moment before striking a lively tune. Arwen was ready and waiting.

"I shall fetch us something to drink Lady Arwen. Excuse me Dear. I shall return shortly."

Arwen never had time to reply. He was gone before her lips barely parted and Arwen began to pout. She glanced around at the smiles and glances of the other couples and soon, her sadness turned to anger. Arwen checked her gown. Had she mud spattered across her bodice that would prevent Lord Aragon from asking her to dance?

Arwen's toes tapped faster as she considered her Sir Wooden Broom. HE would not leave her sitting as if she were one of the flowers on the tapestry that hung on the wall behind her. Arwen's patience was growing thin. If this is what it meant to be addressed as Lady, Arwen was learning she wanted no part of it.

Aragon took his time retrieving refreshments. He stopped a waiter passing by with sherry glasses lined on his tray, picked up a glass and demolished the contents. He stood gazing around the room trying to find the proper words to explain to Arwen. His Arwen. He knew that as certain as he was standing on his own two feet. Aragon turned towards the refreshment table and picking up a plate, filled it with small tidbits. That would certainly keep the Lady amused and postpone the inevitable.

Arwen watched Aragon. She couldn't understand his hesitation and she was more certain than ever he was hesitating. She watched as he gobbled a glass of sherry and her eyes bulged as she now watched him fill a plate. She'd had enough. Whatever Lord Aragon's intent, Arwen would sit still no longer while others noticed they were not dancing together. They were not even dancing!

She stood and smoothed her skirt, then turned on her heels walking out to the balcony. Arwen knew as she left the ballroom she was breaking full rules of etiquette and couldn't care less. If Aragon had any intention of attending this Cotillion with her, he would have been at her side. Instead he chose to fidget and spend his time with food. Arwen would find her own dancing partner.



Arwen leaned her elbows against the balcony railing. The moon shone in the sky and lit up the courtyard as one giant candle would do. The stars twinkled righteously by the moon's side almost as if winking their knowledge of Arwen's predicament.

Arwen sighed. What a fine mess she'd gotten into now. She had an escort for the Cotillion but one who apparently wanted nothing to do with her. Arwen considered that for a moment. Had her Father plotted without her knowledge and threatened Lord Aragon's attendance tonight? Arwen believed that was a definite possibility. The only problem she was facing now was what to do about it.

Arwen began walking along the balcony, her gloved hand trailing along the banister, her mind a whirlwind of emotions. She found herself at the marbled staircase leading out into the grounds and didn't pause for a second. She began her graceful descent.

As she neared the bottom of the stairway, a servant was approaching her carrying a broom. He'd been attending clean up of debris caused by the soft breeze blowing through the trees. Arwen's eyes lit up.

"Young man. Have you further need of that wooden broom?" The servant seemed amazed Arwen had even addressed him, never mind ask about his broom.

"Mmmmy Lady? Mmmmy broom?"

"Yes. You ARE carrying a wooden broom, are you not young man?" The poor servant glanced down at his hands as if to be very certain before he responded.

"Yyyyyes My Lady. I am carrying a wooden broom."

"Very well then. Have you further need of your broom?"

"Nnnnnnnno My Lady."

"Very well. Hand it over please." Arwen extended her gloved hand to the servant.

"Yyyyyes My Lady." The servant hesitated but a second but reached forward and placed the room in Arwen's hand. He bowed gracefully and giving her one more strange look, began to walk up the stairs.

Arwen waited until the servant was out of sight then ran to a small grove of trees which would hide her from the Great Room and any one who may wander outside to the balcony. Leaning the broom against a tall tree, she stood back and closed her eyes. Arwen leaned her head back and extended her arms wide.

"Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm." She began to search her memory for the correct words to complete her task.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhh Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Taaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Gooooooooooooooooo Siaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!"

Arwen felt the small tingle in her finger tips and repeated the chant again.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhh Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Taaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Gooooooooooooooooo Siaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!"

The tingle extended upwards through her arms and she repeated herself, louder this time.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhh Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Taaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Gooooooooooooooooo Siaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!"

Arwen's shoulders began to shiver and she saw sparks behind her closed eye lids. Arwen knew one more time would finish things.


The stars twinkled as little sparks flew from her fingertips toward the wooden broom. Arwen's body shook and as her head bounced, a great light appeared in front of her. Arwen never saw the flash of light, so entranced she was in her task. As quickly as it began, all went silent.



When Arwen ventured to open her eyes, the wooden broom had vanished and in its place stood a man, dressed in finery. The gold braids running down the front of his tunic signified his status and Arwen felt her breath intake quickly at the sight of him. She knew she'd conjured up an escort but she had no idea she would do this well.

Arwen quickly curtsied at the man.

"Good evening my Lord."

Arwen waited for the man to speak to her. She remained crouched in her curtsy for him to address her. She waited for him to yell. She waited for him to breath! Arwen decided to straighten out and make sure he hadn't wandered away.

"Sir?" Arwen stared at the man who simply stared back. Arwen was thrilled. He was shy!

"Be not afraid My Lord. You are here for a short span of time and you will then return from whence you came." Arwen smiled at the man and knew for certain he would now speak.

The man smiled back then glanced around at the grove of trees. He walked towards a tree and smiled. He moved to the next tree and did the same.

Arwen was broken. She had no idea what Merlin had chosen to endow her when she used her magic but already, she was disappointed in Merlin's choice. She was determined that this night would be memorable however, and walked towards the man, taking his hand, and positioning his arm so he could escort her back to the Great Hall. The man seemed to understand what Arwen wanted and smiled at her before moving to walk beside her.

"I daresay My Lord. I shall have no fear of your powers to be overbearing in conversation." Arwen sighed as she climbed the marble steps. She must have forgotten a phrase in her spell for the poor man was deprived of speech.



When Arwen reentered the Great Hall, she saw Lord Aragon begin to step forward in relief then hesitate when he discovered Arwen was not alone. She saw his face change from pure fright to confusion then to anger. Arwen turned her head and lowered it as if her new partner had just spoken something frivolous. She lifted her head and her laughter rang out as if it was the most clever comment a man could make.

She pretended the man led her but Arwen directed him towards the center of the floor, just as a quadrille was about to begin. She curtsied properly and she tilted her head quickly a number of times to signal the man to notice the other men. He finally did and saw the other men bowing, quickly doing the same.

Arwen sighed again. It was to be a long evening indeed.

As Arwen and her new escort made their way through the dance, she stole glances at Aragon. His face was contorted somehow and Arwen smiled. It would serve him good. Had he wanted to dance the first dance with Arwen as WOULD have been proper, he would have requested permission himself.

Arwen fluttered her eyelashes and almost choked at her poor dancing partner's confused expression. As they neared each other, Arwen took the opportunity to speak with him.

"Pretend you are smitten with me or you shall return to your wooden stature." Arwen watched and almost tripped as the poor man obeyed her directive. He was batting his own eyelashes just as Arwen had just done herself!



Aragon was indeed watching Arwen and her suddenly-appeared dancing partner. His fearing of telling Arwen what he could not do was slowly being replaced with anger and something else he couldn't quite name. He only knew he was having trouble watching Arwen glide across the floor AND keeping his temper.

He'd watched as she left the Great Hall unattended and decided to let her wait before he followed after her. He was angry with her actions and he did not want to deal with her in that manner. He stopped another servant as he passed and drank the contents of the sherry glass before the servant moved on. Replacing the empty glass on the tray, he decided Arwen had waited long enough for him to follow her and walked slowly towards the open doorway of the balcony.

It was at that precise moment Arwen had chosen to return and she was NOT alone. Aragon had cursed under his breath but remained where he was as he watched Arwen being led to the dance floor. His heart beat loudly in his ears as he realized he would never be there with her. He ignored that thought and stepped forward one step before pausing and stepping backwards.

He watched, knowing his ears were turning red as Arwen peeked over at him then enjoined in conversation with her dancing partner. He watched confused, as Arwen would tilt her head as if listening but never saw the man's lips move. Aragon's hands clenched in fists then relaxed as he stretched his fingers, only to clasp together in fists again. He waited impatiently for the quadrille to end and watched as Arwen's escort led her to her seat. He saw to her comfort then seemingly upon Arwen's instructions, bowed then moved to stand beside her. Aragon had had enough. HE was Arwen's escort and it was time she was reminded.

Aragon didn't take long to reach Arwen. She looked up at him sweetly and smiled. Aragon seethed.

"Ah. My Lord Aragon? May I present Lord ..." Arwen hesitated. In all her magical spell, she never once considered his name and she was lost now.

"May I present Lord ..." Arwen searched her brain for a name and all she could picture was the man smiling at the trees. She took a deep breath and tried again.

"My Lord Aragon. May I present Lord Redwood?" Arwen was quite satisfied with herself. She smiled at Lord Aragon once more and waited for him to speak.

Lord Aragon performed one of his exaggerated bows towards Lord ... Redwood?

"Please Lord Redwood. Excuse us?" Aragon did not wait for an answer but took Arwen's hand in his own and almost pulled her from her chair. The music had just begun for another dance and he was determined HE would be Arwen's next dancing partner.

"My Lord!!!!!!!!!!! It is customary to ask a Lady's permission prior to dragging her along a dance floor!"

Aragon paused to look at Arwen.

"My Lady. It is also customary NOT to leave the Great Hall unaccompanied NOR to dance the first dance with anyone but your escort." He again began to pull her further into the center of the room.

"MY LORD! Had my escort ASKED for the first dance, it WOULD have been requested and I would beg you to stop pulling me along as if I were a work horse!" Arwen yanked her hand out of Aragon's grasp just as heads were beginning to turn towards them.

"My LADY," Aragon did all he could not to spit the words out. "Had my lady been PATIENT, she WOULD have been asked." Aragon took hold of Arwen's hand and again began pulling her.

"MY LORD! Patience is one concept but expecting me to wait half the evening is ... is ... ARROGANT you fool!"

Aragon stopped mid stride. Slowly he turned and looked down upon the Lady Arwen. Arwen cringed as he looked at her, not liking the way his brows were raising. Instinctively, she began to take small steps backwards.

Oblivious to the stares now bestowed upon the couple, Aragon spoke quietly and his voice relayed his feelings perfectly. He took small steps towards Arwen as she slowly continued to move backwards.

"My Lady Arwen. I would strongly suggest you lower your voice or you will find yourself upon my knee and your skirts raised above your head!"

"You! You DARE threaten me! You ARE arrogant and you ARE a fool! First you leave me to stare at the wall, and then you expect ME to be QUIET? I THINK NOT MY LORD!"

Aragon's frustration with Arwen had reached its peak. He held her wrist tightly, took a few deep breaths, then walked from the dance floor right towards the straight backed chair she'd not too long ago emptied. Sitting himself down, he made short work of pulling her over his lap and thrusting her skirts high over her head. He was so flustered, his hands became entangled into her petticoats and slips and his hand landed on her bottom with a resounding SMACK simply because of them.

"Owwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! You unhand me you brute! You let me go this instant!"

Aragon ignored Arwen's protests and simply settled her a bit more comfortably on his knees. More comfortably for himself rather than for her.

"Now then My Lady. Shall we NOW discuss your behavior quietly or do you again wish to use your loudest voice?"

Arwen remained silent. That was not a good choice of options as far as she was concerned. Instead of answering, she crossed her arms in front of her and clamped her mouth closed tightly.



Lord Aragon writes:

Aragon didn't wait for an answer. Instead, he picked Arwen up and slung her over his shoulder, his arm just under her bottom. Arwen clutched at Aragon's shirt to keep from falling forward. Tossing the hem of Arwen's dress up over her plump bottom.

"Uhhhh!" She gasped. Arwen arched her back.

He slapped her bottom with quick, sharp spanks all of the way into the glade.

"Ooooh!" Arwen jumped and thrust her body into his shoulder.

"Lord Aragon, wait!" Arwen begged, clutching his shirt.

In response, the flat of Aragon's hand struck Arwen's bottom, her thin cotton bloomers affording her no protection at all. He spanked each of Arwen's cheeks in quick, stinging succession as he walked.

"Owww!" Arwen yelped and wiggled her bottom on Aragon's broad shoulder.

When they reached the glade, Aragon put his arm around Arwen's waist and lowered her off his body until her feet touched the earth. Arwen put a hand behind her and began rubbing her bottom. She looked at Aragon, her face full of hurt and fear and a small touch of pout. Aragon turned her around and smacked her bottom, now covered by her dress. He held her arm and spanked her with each step towards the bench. Arwen hopped and yelped and tried to shield her bottom with her hand. Aragon spanked around it and sometimes over it. He sat down on the bench and scowled at her.

"You are never going to embarrass me like that again," Aragon tells Arwen through clamped teeth. "Tonight's fiasco will never be repeated. I'm going to see to it," he promised.

"But..." Arwen began at the same instant Aragon pulled her down over his knees.

Aragon turned up Arwen's dress, slipped his fingers into the top of her bloomers and quickly pulled them down over her warm pink cheeks, sliding them down the soft skin of her slender thighs and letting go of them when they touched the silky hollows of her knees.

Aragon raised his hand up high, took a deep breath, exhaled slowly, cupped his large palm, and got to work on Arwen's upturned bottom. He brought a loud, forceful smack down onto the middle of Arwen's plump cheeks. He quickly raised his large hand again.

He struck her bottom over and over again in rapid succession with biting spanks, striking just the middle of Arwen's bottom, spanking some of each perfect cheek at once.

"Oh! Oh! Oh!" Arwen yelped, her body jumping on Aragon's lap in response to each stinging spank.

"I will not allow you to be so disrespectful," Aragon told her while spanking her squirming cheek. "Do you understand me?" he asked angrily, not expecting a reply. "I won't allow it!"

"Owwww!" Arwen kicked her leg furiously and tried to push her bottom away from Aragon. "I wasn't! It was you!," she insisted.

Aragon scowled and focused on this unwelcome task. He brought his mighty hand down again. Arwen's bottom was already a bright red from his quick attention. He ignored the way Arwen's flesh jumped at each sharp smack. He tried to tune out her piercing cries.

"You're hurting meeee! Ohhhhh!" Arwen screamed, her back arched, her legs pounding the bench.

"I'm only hurting your bottom. You need to have patience, and allow me to be with you, to be your escort, in all ways. And this pouting! And temper!," he explained in a tightly controlled voice.

He moved his hand to one chubby cheek and spanked. Arwen's flesh bounced into his hand. He briskly spanked, his large hand nearly covering the small, plump cheek. He slapped it down over and over on the same spot, watching it rapidly shade from pink to red to crimson.

"Owwww!" Arwen howled as she burst into tears. "This is not faiiiiirrr!"

"If you can't be respectful and patient, then I will make sure that you are," Aragon promised as though he had not heard Arwen speak.

Arwen could feel Aragon's disappointment in each fiery smack on her bottom. One bottom cheek now deeply red, Aragon moved to Arwen's right cheek and began spanking with solid smacks, the sound loud and sharp. Her bottom quickly blushed to red, her flesh jumping, her
legs pummeling the hard surface of the bench.

"I was! I was!" Arwen insisted.

Aragon began spanking in quick hot smacks without pause.

"Uhhhhh!" Arwen screeched. "Yes. Yesssssssssssssss! I won't any morrrrre!"

"This is not about this evening alone," Aragon said, spanking one hot cheek again and again. "This is about your never thinking about what you do."


"It's about never considering anyone else, how what you do effects so many people," he explained, punctuating each word with a hot smack.


"Please stop! Pleeeeease! It hurrrrts so muuuuch!" Arwen remembered feeling as if she were part of the tapestry and her anger rose anew. "And it was YOUR fault I behaved as I did!" Arwen shrieked.

"You're not listening to me. Obviously, my hand is not getting the message through," he determined.

Aragon reached over to pick up a small stick, a switch almost. He placed it beside him on the bench. He moved Arwen part way off his lap, brought one of his legs up and over both of hers.

Aragon tried to wiggle and move her body away from the impending doom. "No! No, please! Don't, please don't! Not that!" she begged.

Aragon picked up the switch and tightly gripped the end. He held her firmly at her waist. Her bottom was arched and tightly stretched. There would be no chubby flesh to cushion the spanks she would get with the switch.

"No! No! Please!" Arwen pleaded. She turned her head to look at Aragon, her eyes full of tears and clearly afraid. Aragon refused to look at her.

"I'm going to get through to you one way or the other, Lady Arwen."

He raised the switch and slapped it down in a flat, blistering smack directly onto the middle of her tightly stretched bottom. He quickly spanked again.

"Uhhhhh!" Arwen screeched. She could not move.

Aragon spanked her flaming flesh with hard, swift smacks, the switch setting fire to some of each tender cheeks.


Aragon began spanking one hot cheek, beginning in the middle, spanking up to the top and spanking back down again until he struck the delicate skin at the tops of her thighs.

"Owwwww!" Arwen screamed. She began thrusting her body again, the heat racing up her bottom. "Noooo!"

Aragon spanked across Arwen's thighs and up the other side of her bottom and back down to the top of her thigh.

"I won't ... do it ... ever ... again! Ever! Please." Arwen promised, her voice filled with sobs even as she heard the whoosh of the switch a split second before it clapped her burning flesh.

Aragon spanked the delicate skin at Arwen's thighs even after it had turned crimson. He spanked back to the other side, up her bottom and down again.

"Uhhhhh! Uhhhhh!"

"No. You certainly won't," Aragon calmly agreed, continuing to smack the switch against her blazing bottom.

The fire on Arwen's bottom seemed to go slowly from the high middle and flow over towards her waist and down to the tops of her thighs. She tried to wiggle her bottom from side to side.

"I won't. Truly!" Arwen howled. "I willl behave! I'll never do anything like this again," she

Aragon's body tensed as the switch spanked Arwen's flaming bottom one last time.

Arwen could only sob in response, her body jerking, her breath ragged.

"I'm ssssssssssssoooooooooooooorry, my Lord Aragon," she whispered through her tears, her breath catching at every word.

"I'll never do anything without asking you first!" Arwen barely screamed the words, shocking Aragon into an abrupt end to the spanking.

Aragon tossed the switch and lifted Arwen to her feet. He gently sat her on his lap and held her firmly. Arwen buried her face in his shoulder and cried. Aragon glanced at the bloomers at her ankles while he listened to her weep.

Aragon quickly lifted Arwen and settled her on his lap, hugging her tightly. "Oh My Lady. I don't want to you ask my permission for everything you want to do," Aragon whispered. "But, if you continue to be childish, insist on your own way all of the time, I'm going to spank you again, only harder," Aragon promised. "Understand?"

Arwen rested her head against his chest, her body still heaving from sobs. She felt her swollen bottom pulse with heat. The swat of the switch sounded faintly in her ears and she could still feel the fiery splat of it on her bottom.

"Yes Lord Aragon. I understand and that is something I can live with," she said.

Aragon smiled and hugged Arwen. "I want us both to live with that....for a very long time." Placing his mouth gently on hers, Aragon slowly, gently, with all of his passion, kissed her.

This page was last updated on:
Sunday, November 25, 2001 09:13 AM