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Arwen's Story

Page 3

by Kree8Tion

©copyright 2001



Little Arwen writes:

The caravan moved along slowly. The evening meal shared with Lord Aragon had been interesting to say the least. Arlo had watched with a careful eye as his daughter and Lord Aragon exchanged glances, unaware those around them noticed.

Arlo was disappointed that Lord Aragon had to take his leave but with his promise to meet with them before the Castle came into view, Arlo was content. Santuro, on the other hand was seldom content.

“Master!” Santuro squirmed in the seat of the carriage as he had been doing since he left home. “It has been nearly a fortnight. Shouldn’t we already have the Castle within our sights? This has to be the only torture known to Merlin’s strange sense of humor!”

Arlo laughed softly. Poor Santuro. Unaccustomed to mortal inconvenience, this journey had almost proven to be his downfall.

“Patience Santuro. We should be near. Must I remind you again that donkeys need not sit to travel?”

“Master!” Santuro sighed. “That threat is getting as old as Merlin himself. Had you any intention of doing so, it would have been done long before now. It would perhaps serve you better to threaten others who would heed your words.”

Arlo turned an angry eye towards Santuro. He loved the little man as he would his own son but that love oftentimes succeeded in Santuro forgetting his status.

“You go too far Santuro!” Arlo raised his hands and small sparks flew from his fingertips to where Santuro sat. All that could be heard was a muffled “nooooooooooooooooooooooo” before Arlo was alone within the carriage. From outside, all in the caravan could hear the braying of the donkey that now paced along.

Arlo leaned back in his seat and closed his eyes. Travel would now be fairly quiet for him.

Lady Fay heard the braying and smiled.

“I see Santuro has pushed your Father too far my Arwen. You would do well to heed his lesson. Your Father is losing patience with you.”

Arwen ignored Lady Fay’s comments. She knew her Father was not happy with her of late but she could not change a thing. Only Merlin knew from where her discontentment stemmed and Arwen assumed only Merlin and the gods could remove it. She’d been brash with the servants and Arwen never dealt with anyone that way. She’d spoken back to her Father time and again and at every chance, ignored Lady Fay’s suggestions of proper behavior.

Arwen didn’t care. She only knew something was missing inside her and until she discovered the basis for that, she would brood and allow all those around her to brood as well.

They’d been traveling for days now and not even a sighting of Lord Aragon. Had he lied when he promised he would meet them before they reached the Castle moat? Arwen was yet unsure if she was more angry over the fact that he had not yet appeared or more angry over the fact that she’d been a fool to believe a handsome man’s lies. Either way, she was unhappy and everyone was quite aware of it.

“My Father knows not what ails me Lady Fay. He does not understand women. He foolishly believes Lord Aragon will return and he tires me with his talk of him.”

Lady Fay turned to Arwen. She let her eyes roam over the young woman she loved as a sister and she did understand Arwen’s sadness.

“My little Arwen. Do you not believe Lord Aragon is a man of his word? When has he ever given you that impression?”

Arwen thought a moment before responding.

“I daresay he barely had time Lady Fay. An evening meal does not give one ample opportunity to make acquaintance does it?” Arwen slumped back in her seat and the pout on her face did nothing to mar her looks.

“You would do well to save your impudence for ears where it will matter. I know you too well my Arwen. It matters not to me if you choose to sit and brood instead of preparing yourself for Lord Aragon’s inevitable appearance.”

“Harrumph! Inevitable indeed. I’ll wager he’s toasting his cup somewhere over the young girl he turned over his knee, never to look upon her face again.” Arwen pouted remembering the only man that had ever addressed her as Lady Arwen.

Lady Fay smiled and knew better than to answer Arwen’s comment. It would do no good and only prove to incite her further.

The caravan traveled for a few more hours without change. The only sound out of the ordinary was Santuro loudly voicing his indignation. As the sun appeared to move behind a mountain peak, a flurry of hooves could be heard in the distance. Arwen sat forward in her seat trying to scan the horizon. Lady Fay smiled knowingly. She’d seen Lord Aragon’s face as he gazed upon Arwen and she knew with certainty he would return.

Arwen could see neither rider nor horse and stuck her head through the opening for a better advantage. She could see the dust rising in clouds and knew that many riders were approaching. Arwen still couldn’t see well and pushed her body further through the opening. She now rested her waist upon the sill of the carriage door.

Arwen smiled as the lead rider came into view. Lord Aragon! And it appeared he'd brought an army with him! No. As Arwen moved out of the window a bit more, she could see not all the riders were knights. Some appeared to be squires and servants based on the garbs they wore. Lord Aragon must have spied Arwen leaning out the carriage for as he neared, he turned his horse towards her.

It was at the moment Arwen felt the carriage come to an abrupt halt. She'd not been ready for the change in motion and with an "OH!," found her self moving forward through the window. Before Arwen could stop herself, she was flung headlong upon the ground, feet hurling over her head and landing upon her bottom with a resounding THUMP!

When she blew air through her lips to remove the hair that had broken free and now covered her vision, she was staring at horse hooves dancing softly. Her eyes followed the horse upwards and she gasped when she realized the rider was Lord Aragon himself. Arwen lowered her eyes quickly in complete embarrassment only to discover her skirt had ridden far above her knees during her fall.

Had she not been sitting down, Arwen would have stamped her foot.



Lord Aragon Replies:

Dinner passed too quickly for Aragon's liking and although he believed he ate, nothing but Lady Arwen could he remember. No longer able to delay his return home, Aragon looks to his hosts. "I wish to thank you all for the meal, the wonderful company, and the lovely conversation. But, father is waiting for me, and I have tarried too long."

Rising from his chair, he bows to Lord Arlo, nods to Lady Fay, and takes Lady Arwen's hand in his. Kissing it gently, he retreats from the table.

Finding his horse, Aragon mounts quickly, and at near break neck speed, he heads towards home to his own castle. The cool evening breeze rushing across his face reddens his cheeks, which covers the blush he knows is rising as he thinks of Arwen. Anxious to tell his father all about her, he tries to make the best time possible.

Finally arriving, but discovering his father retired for the evening, Aragon retreats to his rooms.

"Henley! Henley! Wake up!" His manservant shudders and jumps to his feet.

"We … I … yes my lord … you were not expected this late hour, forgive me."

"Nonsense, why it's early … isn't it?” Noticing the sun starting to rise, Aragon smiles.

"No matter, fetch me clean clothing, something in green, and food and drink. I haven't eaten in ages. Have my knights, squires and servants ready a small caravan of welcome. I will eat, change and than I want to great Lord Arlo and his party." Purposefully omitting Arwen's name, he smiles at Henley. If he knew nothing else, he knew that by his return, all would know of his new love Arwen.

As food is brought Aragon eats ravenously. And quick drinks the wine. "Finished, bring my clothes. Make sure my mount is ready, as are the others. We leave tomorrow." Changing his clothes, Aragon fingers the clasps, and his mind begins to wander. Wishing it was someone else's garment, he again feels his face flush.

The following day, Aragon arises early, anxious to be sure all is ready.

"My lord, you have fever, let me fetch the apothecary." Henley approaches and looks at his young master carefully, and hides his own smile. News travels faster than horses.

"I have no time for such things, I need to leave, is everything ready?" Noting the nod, Aragon walks towards the stables. "Quickly men, we are off on an important ride this day."

As the group takes off, Aragon thinks only of Arwen, and wonders if her feelings are the same. Thinking of her alone, he urges his horse on faster, almost in a run. Finally spotting Lord Arlo's caravan, he pulls up his horse, and tries to regain his composure.

"Good morrow my Lord Arlo. I have come for the last of your ride to escort you to the castle." Not waiting for a reply, Aragon walks his horse, along the procession, looking for Arwen.

A smile creeps over his face, as he sees her looking from the carriage. Remaining as calm as he dares, his heart racing fast, he pulls along side.

Arwen smiled as the lead rider came into view. Lord Aragon! And it appeared he'd brought an army with him! No. As Arwen moved out of the window a bit more, she
could see not all the riders were knights. Some appeared to be squires and servants based on the garbs they wore. Lord Aragon must have spied Arwen leaning out the carriage for as he neared, he turned his horse towards her. It was at the moment Arwen felt the
carriage come to an abrupt halt. She'd not been ready for the change in motion and with an "OH!" found herself moving forward through the window. Before Arwen could stop herself, she was flung headlong upon the ground, feet hurling over her head and landing upon her bottom with a resounding THUMP!

Aragon slowly dismounts, and walks towards Arwen, bending down, speaking only to her.

"Why is it my lady, that I always seem to find you …  with your dress … up?” Looking at her legs, and following their beginning, Aragon smiles. "Let me help you Lady Arwen."

Raising her up on her feet, he stands her up, and begins to brush off her dress. "Let me help dust you my Lady." Holding her close to his chest, he brushes off the back of her, remembering fondly what was underneath all of her covering. Holding her longer than needed, he slowly lets her go. "I am here Lady Arwen to escort you and your party to the castle, with your permission, of course." Keeping her hands in his, Aragon let's his eyes speak to her. His only thought is that she hears.



Little Arwen writes:

Arwen looked up at Lord Aragon, all her doubts forgotten when she looked into his eyes. This was only the second time they'd met and Arwen wished upon all the stars that once, just once, she could meet him with her skirt in tact.

"It ... would be my pleasure to have you as our escort, my Lord." Arwen curtsied and knew all eyes were upon them as she tried her best to remain calm. She'd been so hurt when he had not quickly returned, but she didn't want him to know of that.

"Be patient. I must speak with your Father and then we shall leave." Just as Lord Aragon turned to leave, he noticed the donkey braying  loudly.

"I wasn't aware of a donkey in your party when we last met, Lady Arwen."

Before Arwen had a chance to answer, her Father called to Lord Aragon. He shrugged his shoulders and with a final glance at the donkey, walked away.

Lord Aragon once again spoke with Arlo as Lady Arwen did her best to rearrange her appearance. Lady Fay had alighted from the carriage and come to her aid.

"I must say my Arwen that a wooden knight might not have the same effect on you that Lord Aragon seems to have?" Lady Fay spoke in a question but had not really expected a response. Arwen's flushed face spoke enough.

"Hush Lady Fay, else he might hear you. He is NOT to know of my wooden broom for a dancing partner!"

Lady Fay laughed. Poor Arwen.

"He'll not hear of it from my lips my Arwen. There now. Await your knight and be on your best behavior."

Arwen hugged Lady Fay and turned to walk towards Lord Aragon and her father.

"Of course Lord Aragon. You have my permission and my delight in your request. Arwen may most certainly ride towards the Castle upon your steed." Arlo turned to Arwen as she approached. "Arwen. Lord Aragon has offered his ride as your carriage. I have agreed."

Arwen turned an angry eye on her Father.

"Oh? And did anyone consider to ask MY opinion on the matter? What if I have no desire to ride on his horse?" Arwen turned to Lord Aragon, angry they'd both made arrangements regarding her and both had failed to ask her advice.

"And just where does Lord Aragon intend to ride while I sit his horse?" Arwen closed her hands into fists and let them both rest on her hips while her head turned from her father to Lord Aragon and back again.



Lord Aragon Replies:

Aragon looks at Arlo, raises his brow, than focuses his attention back to Arwen. "Forgive me Lord Arlo, I had thought I was speaking to a maiden; but she is apparently not here. Instead I find this willful child in her stead."

Aragon moves slowly towards Arwen, and cups her chin in his hand. "A maiden or youth, rides behind, but in your case, I make an exception." Picking the struggling girl up, Aragon easily places her bottoms up across the saddle. Mounting his horse swiftly, he holds her in place. "My Lord, with your permission, Arwen and I will take a different route, we will ride along side, and return shortly."

Wasting no more time, Aragon puts the horse in a lope, and heads towards the trees. As Arwen struggles and kicks, he merely shortens the reins, and slaps her bottom.

"Settle yourself Lady Arwen...or was there another name, a name of your childhood....perhaps Lady Bare Bottom." Smiling and chuckling, Aragon moves through the trees, and hides their presence from the caravan.

"It is time for your schooling Lady Bare Bottom, and I will be your teacher." Raising her skirts, and too many petticoats, Aragon ignores her pleas, and her words of apology.

"Well, Lady Arwen, 'sorry' won't excuse your behavior and I'm going to teach that naughty little girl inside of you a lesson she'll never forget." Aragon took hold of Arwen's waist and pulled her closer to him.

"Lord Aragon, no! Oh, please, my Lord, no!" Arwen hissed. Her face flushed a deep red in shame at the prospect of a spanking so near the caravan.

"Oh, yes, my Lady. Oh, yes, indeed!" Aragon said as he lifted her skirt up to her waist. "Little girls need to be spanked when they've behaved as you have," he said as he used both hands to peel Arwen's bloomers down her plump bottom, sliding them along the girl's thighs and continuing downward until they reached her knees.

"Please! No, Lord Aragon! Not in front of the others. I'll just die!" Arwen begged in a squeaky voice while placing her hands over her exposed bottom.

"No, darling, you won't die," Aragon removed her hands from the full moons. "You are not to cover your bottom. I want these little chubs completely bare when I spank you. You have done something very naughty. Only a badly behaved child would have done something so thoughtless and you will be disciplined just like a little girl." Stroking the plump cheeks, Aragon continued. "You will be embarrassed, of course, as you deserve to be for what you did. Your bottom will hurt, which is only fair after your behavior. But you won't die."

Aragon raised his hand up as high as it would go and brought it down in a stinging slap onto the pale flesh of Arwen's cheeks. This was the "warm up" part of the spanking. Sending stinging smacks over the entire surface of her bottom. When the mounds were completely pink, Aragon would begin the next portion - the hard, flat slaps on the roundest part of Arwen's blushing cheeks.

"Uhhh!" Arwen gasped, as she glanced at Aragon, red-faced and mortified at having her very adult bottom exposed while being treated like a child. She clamped her teeth together to keep from crying out and clenched her bottom cheeks in anticipation of the next strike.

SMACK! The firm flesh bounced in response.

"Ow!" Arwen shrieked and burst into tears, more from humiliation than from the sting in her bottom. She closed her eyes to keep from seeing Aragon looking at her.

Aragon traveled his hand up and down her upturned bottom in stinging slaps. He warmed up both cheeks from dimples to thighs, watching carefully as the flesh blushed to pink.

"Arwen, my father and I both believe that a girl needs to be spanked when she has been naughty," Aragon said as he continued to spank, looking for a spot not yet touched. "Age is not an issue. Behavior is. As you will see, when you have done something wrong, you answer to me in the form of a bare bottomed spanking."

"This is not as severe as the spanking will get, Arwen. I'm just warming up your bottom. When your entire spanking surface is sufficiently pink, I will spank you harder. Now, I'm sure you knew that if you displayed such behavior, you would be spanked. I'm just as sure you expected this well-deserved spanking to take place in private. I hope the embarrassment you suffer today will help you to remember to be more respectful of other people."


 Little Arwen writes:

Arwen cringed as Lord Aragon continued his lecture. True to his word, he was indeed becoming her teacher and the lesson he was giving was not to Arwen's delight.

Staring at the hard ground made it quite difficult to spew her anger and insult regarding her current position and at this point, it only succeeded in Arwen becoming more frustrated. Her bottom was already sore and she knew she shouldn't push him but Lord Aragon had to learn that this was NO way to treat a lady!

Not only had Lord Aragon settled her on his horse upside down, but he'd done so in front of the entire caravan! They would all know what was to happen once they'd ridden in the woods and Aragon had not the decency to remove them from within earshot. Each resounding slap against her bottom only reinforced that all were listening to her punishment.

"Lord Aragon. Wait! Please. Wait!" Aragon knew that to show her anger would not bode well either for her pride or her bottom so she made her request as sweetly as she could.

"Yes my Lady?" Aragon had paused in his spanking to give Arwen a chance to speak.

"Please my Lord! You are correct Sir. I did misbehave badly and I've been soundly spanked for it. I will apologize to my Father and I will not behave so again. Please Lord Aragon. Allow me to sit your horse?"

Arwen heard his silence and knew he was contemplating her request. This was welcomed information for Arwen. She hated this position and hated all listening to her lessons.

"I see my Lady is beginning to understand her lesson." Arwen felt Lord Aragon rest his hand upon her bottom and wiggled uncomfortable. The saddle pressed into her belly now and she was horrified that Lord Aragon had full view of everything.

"Oh yes my Lord! Yes! Please?" Arwen knew she was safe now. She would say whatever she thought Aragon wished to hear. Anything to be uprighted from this position!

"I will behave my Lord. You shall see." Arwen waited for Aragon to remove his hand from her hurting bottom and to wrap both his hands around her waist to lift her.

"Lady Arwen." Arwen heard Aragon's sigh and turned her head to look at him. His sigh confused her.

"I have yet to see that you understand this lesson. When that is shown to me, you will indeed sit upon my saddle instead of laying across it."

"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHh!" Arwen's anger was her guiding factor now. How dare he? "Lord Aragon! You release me this moment! This is no way to treat a Lady! I'm certain your Father would cringe should his eyes fall upon your atrocious behavior this day!" Arwen began to kick her legs and attempted to press her hands against the saddle to lift herself off. If he would not release her, then by Merlin's guidance, she'd release herself!



Lord Aragon Replies:

SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! The smacks now came fast and hard, Aragon perfectly at ease in the punishment he handed down.

"I'm beginning the second part of your spanking now, Arwen. You'll notice that the spanks are harder and will strike your bottom more quickly than the warm up part."

"Yeowww!" Arwen squirmed and yelped as she felt the spanks get harder and closer together. Her bottom was one, long, continuous sting as her cheeks were spanked.

"I'm sorry, Aragon," Arwen cried out as he continued the barrage of sharp slaps and stinging spanks onto her bottom. Her face was as red as her bottom. Her embarrassment as painful as the spanking she was enduring. Arwen no longer wished to teach Aragon the proper way to treat a lady, she only wished his hand to stop!

"Owww!" the Arwen shrieked. "Owww!" Her cheeks jumped as they colored a deeper shade of rose.


"Oww! Please stop!"


"Owww! It hurrrrts!!


"Ooooh! I'm sorry! Owww! No mooooore!"

Up and down Arwen's bottom Aragon spanked in solid smacks. He struck one cheek several times and then the other. He spanked the middle. He moved a little higher and slapped there. Aragon continued to spank in a hard, even rhythm, as though he would never tire, seemingly oblivious to Arwen' shrieks.

"Ohhhhh, I'm so sorrrryyyy!" Arwen cried.

"I'm glad you feel sorry, Lady Arwen," Aragon said as he spanked the crimson flesh, "but an apology simply isn't enough. Now, I'm going to begin the third part of your spanking. Lift your bottom up to me, Arwen. Let me know that you understand just how much you deserve this."

Arwen was crushed! Lift her bottom? She knew however, she was not to be freed until Aragon was finished. She obediently, though reluctantly, pushed her bottom towards his punishing hand. She raised herself up on her forearms, her breasts straining against her tight dress.

Spank!, Swat!, Smack! Aragon began the third part of the spanking, slapping the underside of her bottom a deep red, then working his way up the tender target with solid claps. Arwen struggled in an effort to keep her bottom up, shrieking and wiggling her burning buns from side to side.

When she could no longer maintain her position, Arwen slumped over the saddle. She kicked her legs bucking her bottom up and down, howling and sobbing. As she kicked, her bloomers now at her feet, slipped silently to the forest ground.

"Keep your bottom still, Arwen," Aragon calmly instructed. "Wiggling all around is not going to get you out of the spanking you deserve. You're just making it more difficult for me and I think that is very naughty. Now, you know what happens when you've been naughty."

Aragon began spanking her bottom even harder, concentrating efforts on that very tender part where the flesh dimpled before it rounded out into her perfect little cheeks.

"Owwww! Nooooo! Ooooooh! Noooo mooorrre, pleeeeease!" Arwen yelped, a fire raging across her already sore buns. When she had lost count of the number of strikes she had endured, Arwen began a continuous howl, kicking her legs and knowing that had anyone been closer, she would be giving them a good look at the ripeness peeking out through her thighs.

"Pleeeeease, stooooop, I'll never do it again. I'm sorrrrryyyyy!" Arwen begged.

"I'll stop, my Lady, when I've decided you have been well punished for what you did and not a single spank before then!"

Smack! Smack! Smack! In rapid succession, the resounding claps echoed, Arwen's wailing filling the forest. SPANK! SLAP! WHACK! Aragon's hand traveled in hearty slaps down her glowing bottom up and over the arch and back to the girl's upper thighs, where she again struck the delicate skin.

"Owwww! Ouuuchhh!" Arwen howled and kicked, begging him to stop. Finally, Aragon brought his hand down for the last time. Sobbing, Arwen attempted to lift herself off of the saddle again.

"No my Dearest," Aragon said to her. "You are not going to get off that easily."

Sobbing, Arwen, looking back at Aragon, said "What? What do you mean?"

In response, Aragon held her tight. I think this is the way you will ride to the castle. Shall we rejoin the others?" Moving her petticoats and dress over her bottom, Aragon moves the horse back to the trail. Soon catching up, he tries not to smile, at the naughty little package across his horse.

"Lord Arlo, allow me to lead the way." Moving quickly to the head of the caravan, Aragon couldn't help but notice that the breeze is lifting her petticoats and dress, sending a cool breeze across her bottom. Smiling in spite of the situation, Aragon urges the horse faster, watching as the now red bottom comes near to smiling at those they pass.



Little Arwen writes:

Arwen still couldn't believe it. They were nearing the Castle gates and STILL she was upside down, Lord Aragon's saddle driving into her ribs. The oaf! How could he do this to her?

Arwen wiggled as her position not only became uncomfortable, but she was realizing that Lord Aragon had no intention of letting her change it. She watched the world pass by upside down and was beginning to get angry all over again. As she watched, Santuro sidled closer. The man, now turned donkey really was in a worse position than she was and she felt guilty all of a sudden. Arwen knew an opportunity when she saw one and her guilt disappeared as quickly as a plan formed in her mind.

Arwen began waving her hands so Santuro would notice. As the donkey saw her hands, it walked closer to Arwen's upside down head.

"Santuro," Arwen whispered. "You must help me! We are nearing the gates and you must convince Father to allow me back into the carriage."

Arwen heard Santuro's brayed response and watched with glee and relief as he turned and walked towards her Father's carriage.

Santuro did approach Arlo's carriage. He tried to make enough noise to wake the dead and came near to success when Arlo became tired of the incessant whining and raised his fingers as small sparks flew.

"... and another thing, Master ..." Santuro was surprised to hear his own words as he was crouched on the ground on his hands and knees.

"You were saying Santuro?" Arlo smiled as the small man outside the carriage realized he was no longer a donkey. Santuro closed his mouth and stood before running to catch up with the moving carriage and quickly climbing inside.

Santuro was so content to be sitting instead of walking that he leaned back and forgot about poor Arwen.

Arwen waited patiently across Lord Aragon's saddle for Santuro. She watched as he was changed back to the familiar little man she loved and waited for her Father to halt the caravan. Arwen waited and waited.

Arwen finally realized Santuro would be no help whatsoever and as she saw the Castle towers loom on the horizon, she knew she would have to act quickly. She turned her head to look at Lord Aragon.

"My Lord! We are nearing the gates. You should let me down now and go back to my carriage. Surely you have no intention of leaving me like this?"

Arwen waited patiently for Aragon to agree and release her. All she heard in response was his loud laugh. That did not bode well with Arwen's attitude.

"Are you listening to me? I will NOT meet the Castle gates like this!" Arwen wiggled across Lord Aragon's saddle and only succeeded in pushing herself further onto his lap.

"You unhand me this minute you brute!"



Lord Aragon Replies:

Aragon urges the horse on, pausing for nothing and if anything, making sure that the path he chooses is over the bumpiest of terrains. "Settle Lady Bare Bottom, or it's the back of my hand for you!"

As the wind clips by, Arwen's skirts and petticoats rise with the air, revealing a pink bottom. Trying his hardest not to smile, he pulls up his horse as the near the gate.

"We have arrived Arwen. We are at the castle gate." Seeing two of his companions, Aragon slows the horse, and holds Arwen closer.

"Look, friends of mine." Looking down at Arwen, he realizes her skirt and petticoats are still up, and he starts to lower them, but too late. Chauncey and Henry, were already jabbing each other, and starting to laugh.

"Gentlemen, may I present Lady Arwen, I am to be her escort for the Cotillion. Lady Arwen. May I present Lords Chauncey and Henry, friends of mine."

Raising Arwen up, he turns he to face his friends.

"This is the woman I spoke of. This is my Lady Arwen." Pride filled his heart, and Aragon slips his arms around her, bringing her close, feeling her cool breathe upon him.

"Excuse us my friends. My Lady has important matters to attend."

Walking the horse through the gate, Aragon moves towards the steps. Slipping off of the horse, he holds his arms up to Arwen. "If it pleases my lady, may I help you dismount?"



As you know, the Cotillion draws near. Lady Arwen and Lord Aragon will prepare and you will next meet them at the Cotillion itself.

Email me and I'll be sure to send you notice when each page is updated: Kree8Tion

get this gear!

And you are welcome to email Lord Aragon directly: Lord Aragon

This page was last updated on:
Sunday, November 25, 2001 09:13 AM