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A personal page for:


and her stories

Explored this main page at will. You'll find links to great spanking stories, links for joining role playing groups and links to Kree's version of Arwen's adventures.

Keep an eye out and visit often to check out the updates!

I am in the process of writing two brand new stories.
Check back often to see them posted here.

Kree 8/9/02


(click on the "My Favorite Sayings" link above to add text of your own. Text is rotated on each new display of this page.)

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Save the link above and vote EVERY day!


Happy Holidays

Arwen's Story

Virgin Snow

Proud Warrior

March Madness


Some of Kree8Tion's Other Stories



Click the "Follow Me" Link to join the BRAND NEW Charming Castle role playing group..

(NOTE: Adults Only Please!)

Here's a NEW cyber email group for those restricted to cyber spankings only. What a great place for meeting and gathering and ... well ... you know!

(NOTE: Adults Only Please!)

Subscribe to CyberSpanks
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Here are two more great ADULT role playing groups. Just sign in your full email address and click on

Subscribe to WildfireHall
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Subscribe to Spank_Tales_for_2
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Friday, August 09, 2002 04:47 PM

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