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Arwen's Story

by Kree8Tion

©copyright 2001



~ Return to The Castle ~



Arwen's eyes were dry. They’d shed tear after tear and now they no longer held moisture. She knew for certain there was movement around her but none of it penetrated her closed mind. Only one solitary thought resided there and that one thought was so consuming, it left room for nothing more.


He was there in the trees she stared at. He was in each solitary leaf clinging to the branches. He was in each singing bird as it flittered about. He was in the clouds surrounding the Castle she knew as home.

He was in the heart that was breaking and tearing apart. He’d left her to waken alone in a strange stable, not sure of the final events before sleep had overtaken her. He’d left her without a word of reassurance of what did or didn’t happen that magical night. He’d left her with the off chance of discovery which would have sullied her name as a maiden for all her days, replacing it with names she couldn’t even fathom. He’d left her. Alone.

For that one fleeting moment when her eyes had rested upon his figure seated at the table in the Great Dining Hall of the Castle, Arwen’s heart had soared. Memories flooded back however and her heart became solid as the ice that forms over the lake in winter. She’d approached him with vengeance in mind and had been completely satisfied as she walked from the room, the contents of her goblet secured upon his arrogant head.

Arwen leaned her head against the cool stone while she watched through the window in her room. Somewhere in the back of her consciousness, the sounds of horses’ hooves registered but it didn’t linger. She was lost in the world that would never be.

Lady Fay had no such luxury however, as knock after knock had her returning to the great entrance time and time again. She stood amazed as one man after the other entered with the same question spewing from their lips.

“Where is my Lady Arwen?”

“Your Lad……………..” Lady Fay sputtered and nearly choked as man after man entered, obviously smitten with her Arwen. How had that happened? She and Santuro had used Arlo’s Great Book of Magic to bring Aragon forward and he was nowhere in sight. Instead, the hall was filled with tall men, short men, young men, old men, all searching for the one each referred to as their own Arwen!

“Oh dear. Oh DEAR! Santuro! SANTURO!” Lady Fay ran through the halls in search of the little man. They were surely in trouble and they must act quickly before Arlo discovered their interference. His wrath would be swift and sure and Lady Fay had NO intention of proving herself right.

“SANTUROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” Lady Fay’s screech echoed through the hall as she ran, bumping into the short man so quickly, they both bounced backwards with a THUD as they landed on their bottoms.

“Good Merlin stars Woman! What is wrong with you?” Santuro rose and dusted himself off in total agitation then finally helped the woman to her feet.

“Santuro. We have erred. Aragon is nowhere in sight but instead …….” Lady Fay paused only to fan her sweating face with her hand.

“What?” Santuro still did not understand the ways of a female and surely this confirmed his never wanting to. “Will you please stop prattling and simply explain?”

Lady Fay stared at the short man. Quickly, through spurts of long intakes of breath, she relayed the events in the great hall as well as the hoards of arriving men.

“WHAAAAAAAAAAAAA?” Santuro began to pace and hop up and down the hall in total fear and confusion. Lady Fay’s reaction to the turn of events accurate as full comprehension of what they’d done began to settle in the little man’s brain.

“What will my Master do? Oh Lady Fay. You used his Great Book without permission and look what has happened!”

“Me? You little grasshopper! You were there right beside me and I’ll not take this blame alone. You might want to recall the fact that YOU are the only one besides Lord Arlo who knows where he keeps his Great Book?”

“Oh!” This information did not sit well with Santuro. Lady Fay was indeed correct and Santuro understood the full impact of her words.

“All right Santuro. We must think. We must act quickly before Lord Arlo discovers our mistake AND before Lord Aragon arrives.”

“Think woman? Think? THINK?” Santuro ran back and forth, his steps resounding in the hall as Lady Fay stared on. She sighed when she realized he would be of no great aid in solving this problem. Taking a deep breath, she took command.

“Santuro.” The little man continued to pace back and forth, yanking his hair away from his head.

“SANTURO!” Lady Fay used as close to Lord Arlo’s voice as she could.

“Yes Master,” Santuro replied instinctively.

“There. Now that I have your attention. You must go and entertain the men. Have the kitchen prepare a great meal. I must find some way of making sure Lord Arlo does not leave his rooms until we have solved this dilemma.”

“Oh? And how does the wise woman intend to do that?” Santuro almost snorted when he realized the trick she’d used to get his attention actually worked.

“I’m not certain Santuro. But I will think of something. Now go. Feed the men and pray Lord Aragon arrives quickly.”

Lady Fay watched the small man disappear down the hall, wringing his hands together in fear. She found her own hands doing the same as she turned towards Lord Arlo’s chambers.

“Think woman. Think!” Lady Fay became a little agitated when she realized she’d just addressed herself as Santuro had but pushed the thought away. She had a great room full of suitors clamoring for her Arwen’s attentions and she did not know what to do about it.



Arwen heard the clatter of scabbard hitting against stone again and again and again and wondered what was going on. She really wasn’t in any mood to participate in whatever was happening in the Great Room below but she found the noise and clamor an intrusion on her self pity. She’d kept everything hidden deep inside for so long, it was fair bursting at the seams for release.

Tiptoeing her way down the hall, Arwen stood at the top of the grand staircase and stared in total amazement. As large as the hall below her used to be, it seemed tiny with no room for even a fairy to land. There were men clamoring over each other in every attempt to find unoccupied space. Who were they? Where had they come from? Why were they here?

Arwen stared open-mouthed and thought she saw Santuro scrambling between bodies larger than himself. She watched as he tried to get the attention of some and lead them to tables servants were scurrying to fill with food. Arwen sighed. Leave it to Santuro to think food would amuse men such as she was staring at now.

Arwen found herself slowly descending the stairs in pure curiosity. Not since she’d left the Castle had she even been remotely interested in human companionship and she didn’t feel the loss until she stared at the fiasco of men.

“There she is!”

“My Lady Arwen!”

“I have come to rescue you!”

Arwen watched, eyes wide open as the throb began to force their way to the bottom of the stairs. Taking a few steps backwards, her heart beating in her ears, Arwen feared being trampled on by men shouting her name and promising …… rescue?

Arwen found one man on either side of her guiding her by her elbows before she even had a chance to escape. Each were shouting promises and the noise was incessant. Arwen raised her hands and covered her ears, trying to wiggle herself free. Whoever these men were, they were frightening!

Somewhere above the sounds, Arwen was certain she could hear Santuro’s voice. He was trying his best to reach Arwen and she centered her thoughts on his voice, trying to find him as well.

“Nnnnnnnnnoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!” Lady Fay’s screech rang from the balcony. Arwen turned her head towards the balcony, her eyes beseeching the woman. Arwen saw fright on Lady Fay’s face as well and with a sinking heart, knew she’d be of no help whatsoever.

Arwen was trapped. Her small body was being crushed by the men descending upon her all screeching their profound love for her. Arwen’s confusion only added to her fright and it wasn’t until she heard the familiar roar that she finally uncovered her ears.

“ENOUGH!” Arlo stood on the balcony near Lady Fay and gave her a glance that spoke of his anger before moving away from her. Arwen watched as Lady Fay began wringing her hands.

“ENOUGH! This is my home and I expect ALL of you to treat it with respect! THAT included NOT crushing my daughter! Remain here. ALL of you!”

Arwen watched in relief as the men moved away, clearing a path that ran from her father straight to where she stood. Arlo descended the stairs and didn’t stop until he reached his daughter’s side. Taking her elbow, he led her from the room.

“Father ….. I …………” Arwen kept glancing back in fear the men would once more surround her regardless of her Father’s protection.

“Hush Arwen. This is not your doing. I fear both Santuro and Lady Fay will explain in good time. For now ………” Arwen watched incredulously as for the first time since she had any memory at all, her Father looked as if he did not know what to do.

“For now, it is enough these gentlemen have come for your hand.”

“MY hand? They are here for me?” Arwen peeked over her Father’s shoulders. She saw the men all wanting to pass the invisible wall her Father’s words had appeared to conjure but none brave enough to battle past it. Arwen’s heart began to flutter. In spite of her fear, she was female. The thought that many men wanted her hand made her smile and she peeked around her Father again to be certain he was correct. All were shouting her name possessively.

“Now Arwen. We will enter the hall but this time with some sort of organization. Do not ask the why of this. Trust me. We will somehow repair what has been done. I will allow each of the men to speak with you but you are NOT to leave my side. Do I make myself clear?”

“Oh yes Father!” Arwen was nearly dancing on her feet. She’d forgotten her heart was breaking and turned her back to her father, making sure her hair was in place and the skirt of her dress was smooth with no wrinkles. After all, when one has a Castle full of suitors, one must be presentable. 

Arlo sighed. Taking his daughter’s elbow, he turned to walk back into the Great Room. Arwen stared amazed as once more, a path was made and they were able to walk through without being attacked. Arlo let them to two large cushioned chairs sitting atop the stone steps. Arlo normally conducted Castle business from these chairs but today …… today he would be conducting business of a different nature.

Arlo saw his daughter seated then took his own chair. He announced the method of each man attending his daughter one by one and the cheer that rang through the hall made Arwen’s head swell. Never had such attention been given to her and she was enjoying every second of it.

Arwen spoke with each man, one by one. There must be hundreds all clamoring for their place in line. She never saw Aragon as he entered from the back of the large room. She was intent upon her mission, her laughter ringing out over the murmurs as the men chatted amongst themselves.

Had Aragon appeared fifteen minutes earlier, he would have found a very different Arwen. As it was, he found an Arwen the center of a world where Lord Aragon was a name not even whispered.



Lord Aragon could only stare in disbelief. He had no idea what was going on but he watched as man after man knelt before HIS Lady Arwen and there she sat beside her Father, loving every second of it.

Aragon’s eyes narrowed as he stared. For one who was so angry without reason when they last saw each other, she was certainly showing no signs of anger now! Aragon began to shoulder his way through what he could only describe as a mob.

“Lord Aragon! Finally you have arrived!” Aragon turned to find Lady Fay shouldering her own path towards him. He waited for her to approach.

“Lady Fay. Perhaps YOU can explain …..” Aragon’s arm swept upwards in a wide arch. “THIS?”

“Oh my. Oh my. I fear it is my fault and Santuro’s. A plan gone awry. And neither of us have any solution for it.”

“Explain yourself Lady Fay. Why are these men here and what has Lady Arwen to do with all this? She seems quite content with her current lot.” At the mention of Arwen’s name, heads turned towards Aragon.

“My Lady Arwen.”

“My love will breathe my name.”

“She will marry me.”

“My fair Lady Arwen.”

Aragon began what could only be described as growling. He turned an angry face towards each man who spoke of Arwen but none seemed deterred. Aragon only became angrier.

“Come my Lord. I will attempt to explain.” Lady Fay took hold of Lord Aragon’s arm and led him through the men. Aragon kept lifting his head above the others to glance at Arwen. She seemed oblivious to his presence. She was leaning over whispering to Lord Arlo.

“I beg you Father. I need to breathe a bit. I know not what is occurring here but I need some time to myself.”

“Yes my Dear. We will arrange it.” Standing in front of his chair, Lord Arlo raised his arms. “Gentlemen. Gentlemen. My daughter seeks a respite. Please bear with us and we shall return shortly.”

“No. Do not leave Lady Arwen.”

“My Lady! Remain here with me.”

Arlo ignored their pleas and nodded to Arwen to rise. She stood and grasping her elbow securely, Arlo led her through the men and out of the room. The men did clear a path but followed towards the door. As Arwen and Arlo passed through the opening, so did the men.

Arwen glanced over her shoulder as her father led her out to the gardens. The men trailed right behind them. Arlo was fully aware of them, and paused, right there in the middle of the lawn. All the men stopped as well.

Arwen peeked over her shoulder and took a step to her left. The entire throng took a step to their own left. Arwen giggled. She took another step to her left and so did all the men. Arlo rolled his eyes as he watched.

Arwen couldn’t resist. She took a large step forward. So did all the men! Clapping her hands in glee, she turned to stand before her father. Every single man ran to stand behind Arwen!

“Enjoying yourself?” Arwen turned at the sound of Lord Aragon’s angry voice.

“Of course My Lord!” She turned to face him and the mob ran to stand behind Arwen once more. Arwen could only giggle more.

Aragon’s eyebrow rose in question of the spectacle before him.

“See my Lord?” Lady Fay was still wringing her hands in worry. “We know not what to do! Even my Lord Arlo has not the magic to undo what Santuro and I have done! Help us Lord Aragon! Please? I beseech you. Help our Little Arwen!”

Lord Aragon’s anger subsided a bit when he turned to face Lady Fay. Her heart had indeed been in the right place. He didn’t know what went wrong with their spell and he knew of only one person who had enough knowledge of magic to possibly aid them. Aragon wasn’t certain but glancing at Arwen, he knew he’d have to try. He and Lady Fay approached Lord Arlo and Arwen and yes, the hoards of suitors.

“My Lord. You must return to the Castle. There is one who may have a solution and we must approach the Centurion and ask permission. We must travel immediately!”

Arlo turned to look at his daughter. She was marching along the grass, this way and that, the men all following in tune to the dance she alone was leading. He sighed. His magic was fierce but once within the Great Book, few could undo a spell.

“Yes. I agree. I will bring the Great Book with me and we will travel on the morn. Lady Fay, prepare yourself and Arwen for travel. We leave as soon as the sun rises.”

“Yes my Lord.” Lady Fay curtsied and turned to Lord Aragon, hugging him on instinct before she left to pack her and Lady Arwen’s belongings. Glancing over her shoulder, she saw Arwen dancing across the lawn, the throb of men all dancing behind her. She wrung her hands as she ran to pack quickly.



Arwen was enjoying herself like she hadn’t in a long time. Her little “army” as she’d lovingly called them now, followed her like puppets. She’d grown weary of dancing across the grass and returned to the hall with her father where one by one, the men continued to approach her.

All offered her their hand in marriage and all offered promises of total devotion. After Aragon’s treatment the morning following the Cotillion, this was music to Arwen’s ears. What woman do YOU know who wouldn’t be flattered?

Aragon was all but forgotten within the crowd. Arwen never even had a silent moment with him and Aragon’s anger simmered quietly. There HAD to be a way to break this spell and he was determined to find it.

Arwen woke the following morning with only Lady Fay in her presence. The poor woman had to nail boards across Arwen’s bedchamber door, for the men were insistent upon following her even there! Arwen was a little agitated but was not deterred in the slightest. She knew they would wait for her grand departure from the privacy of her rooms when dawn broke across the land.

Arwen giggled as they broke their fast, encircled by the hoards of suitors all clamoring to be near enough to feed Arwen themselves. She didn’t even have to raise her own goblet! Arwen didn’t even notice Aragon glaring from the back of the room.

Once finally on their way, the caravan once more a long line of carts and wagons as they proceeded forward. Poor Lord Arlo had to conjure additional carts to hold the hundreds of suitors following his daughter.

When they finally halted to rest, Arwen nearly jumped out of her carriage, not even waiting for the footman to hold the door for her. Nature was calling and she had immediate need to find a private spot.

Heading into the bushes, Arwen became disturbed as the men quickly climbed out of the carts to follow her. She turned to face them all but instead of looking at their faces, they all scrambled to stand behind her!

Arwen stamped her foot. This was ONE time she did NOT need suitors. Arwen danced her way back to where Lady Fay stood.

“Lady Fay!” Arwen’s agitation was quite obvious on her face. “Would you PLEASE tell these men I have need to ……. I …….. err ……. Must use ……..” Arwen was embarrassed. Using the privy is not often announced ahead of time. Using the forest as a privy NEVER was. Lady Fay only stared at Arwen in confusion.

“What is it my Arwen?”

“Lady Fay,” Arwen began again. She turned to see the men lined up behind her and took Lady Fay’s elbow to move out of their hearing. “I have need and these men keep following me!”

Lady Fay smiled as she understood what Arwen was trying to say but Lady Fay could not help her.

“Arwen. There is nothing I can do. Only Lord Aragon has a plan to undo the magic that has been done. Until we reach the castle, I’m afraid your,” Lady Fay tilted her head to watch the men scramble closer behind Arwen. “I’m afraid your suitors are here to stay.”

“NO! I will NOT have them escort me into the bushes!” Arwen was seething now. She crossed her legs under her skirt and stood swaying. This was beginning to get on the side of ridiculous! Turning her head this way and that, Arwen tried to find someone who would help. Spotting Lord Arlo, she almost ran towards him.

“Father! Help me!” Lord Arlo turned quickly towards his daughter’s call of distress.

“What is it Arwen? What’s wrong?” Arwen whispered her predicament and as understanding as Arlo was, he could do nothing to help her.

“I’m sorry my Arwen. You’ll have to think of something. My magic is at a loss to come to your aid in this.”

“Ohhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmpppppppppphhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” Arwen stamped her foot again and discovered that is NOT a good idea when one needs to ………..

Turning from Lord Arlo, Arwen saw Lord Aragon leaning his shoulder against a large tree trunk. Memories flashed back to when they first met and she pushed them to the back of her mind, her immediate problem becoming desperation. She walked towards Aragon and tried her best to smile at him.

“Please. Lord Aragon. I beg you. Help me in this.”

Lord Aragon moved only his eyes to watch the men follow Arwen wherever she went.

“And just what is it that my Lady needs? I’m sure one of your suitors would be more than happy to attend.”

“No my Lord. You do not understand.” Arwen again crossed her legs under her skirt and leaned up on tiptoe to whisper in Aragon’s ear just WHAT her problem was.

Lord Aragon’s only response was to lean his head back in the loudest laughter Arwen had ever heard!

“My Dear Lady Arwen. Are you trying to tell me that you are no longer enjoying their attentions?”

Arwen became angry with the arrogant sod! Not only would he NOT come to her aid, HE found the entire situation amusing! Arwen closed her hand into a fist and swung at Aragon with everything she had. Aragon simply leaned backwards and grinned widely as Arwen’s fist whizzed right past him, causing her body no choice but to follow the momentum of force. Aragon laughed even harder as Arwen’s body twisted and she landed on the hard ground with a THUD, her skirts rising high above her knees.

Aragon walked forward and bent low, placing his hands on his knees.

“I see my Lady still greets me in the same manner as when we first met?” Aragon was still laughing as he straightened and walked away. The hoards of men did nothing to help her stand, they only moved to stand behind her back. Thudding one’s bottom on a hard ground when one needs to ………….

Oh this was not good. This was NOT good at all!



Arwen was not happy. She’d stood and made every attempt she could think of to find a way for the men to stop following her long enough for her to use the woods. She was totally dancing as she moved around in a circle, glad to see the men scramble in a larger circle to remain behind her back.

Arlo couldn’t help but notice the sad plight of the poor girl. He understood her need and decided it was nigh time to give her some rest. Waving his right arm and snapping his fingers as sparks flew from them, a cloud of smoke appeared before him. Once it cleared, a life like statue of his Arwen stood before him. He lifted the statue carefully and moved it near Arwen’s carriage. He then called to his daughter. 

“Arwen. Little Arwen. Come here to me please.” Arwen lifted her head and was surprised to see herself already standing near her Father. The men were oblivious to the second Arwen and with total relief and gratitude on her face, Arwen walked forward. She moved so her back was against the side of the carriage just as the statue was, one on either side of Arlo.

Arwen grinned as the men shuffled back and forth, confused as to which Arwen they should be paying homage. Arwen giggled and when her Father lifted both arms, the sleeves of his coat covering both his daughter and the life like statue, Arwen opened the carriage door and snuck inside. She heard the men ohhhhhh and ahhhhhhhhhhh in their own relief as they now only concentrated on one love.

Arwen snuck out through the other side of the carriage almost tripping on her own skirts as she ran. She was already lifting them above her knees when she found a thick grove of bushes to hide behind.

“Again you raise your skirts Arwen? Tsk, tsk. Why, what will people think of you!”

Arwen dropped her skirts immediately at the sound of Aragon’s voice. She was completely frustrated now, her need pressing hard against her belly and she was in NO mood to listen to Aragon tease.

“WHAT people think of me is your own fault. Now if you WILL excuse me?”

“Oh. Don’t mind me. I’ll make nary a sound.”

“Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! My Lord! Please?”

Aragon’s lip curled at the corner in a knowing smile. This was one time Arwen didn’t cause her own problems but through out this trial, she made no effort to curb her enthusiasm. Aragon was enjoying this moment quite well.

“Yes My Lady? Please …… what?”


“Oh my. My Lady does sound a mite …… shall we say …… “ Aragon paused, raising his hand to hold his chin as he feigned total concentration for the proper word. Arwen danced before him, her crossed legs no longer able to contain ……..


“Oh. Forgive me My Lady. I was lost in thought. Now. What was it you wanted?”

Arwen had enough. If he didn’t leave her alone soon, she’d be soiling the very clothes she wore. She pushed his shoulders and kept pushing, glad he didn’t resist. Arwen didn’t stop until he was well on the other side of the bushes.

“Don’t you DARE move!” Arwen didn’t wait to see if he would listen, she simply ran, raised her skirts and the only sound heard through the forest was “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.”

Aragon laughed loud as he moved away leaving Arwen her privacy at last.



Traveling continued without incident. Arlo would bring forth the statue of his daughter only as a measure of final attempt for her necessary privacy. The statue would once again vanish and once more, Arwen was followed by her admirers.

To say the party traveled the land without incident would only be a matter of perspective, especially if the one were Arwen. It seemed without fail, that no matter what happened, Aragon would appear at the precise moment when Arwen lost her temper. She would glare at him as he tsk’d here and there, whispering in her ear it would be dealt with in the future then walking away silently.

Arwen swore when this was over, she would seek revenge on him. She was still angry with him for deserting her that morn after the Cotillion but Arwen had more immediate problems than Lord Aragon.

The day the castle spires finally came into view couldn’t have come faster for Arwen. She was ready for a solution and would almost agree to anything to have this problem solved. Aragon would not speak of his plan, saying only that he needed to consult with the Centurion first. Arwen was losing her patience. The men followed her night and day after day after day. There was nowhere Arwen could turn without an army of suitors trailing right behind.

The procession approached the castle gates, only the horses hooves and carriage wheels making sound. As they crossed the bridge, Aragon rode ahead, speaking with the guards who nodded and opened the groaning gates. The procession filed through.

Once within the Castle walls, the entire party alighted from their carriages and carts. Arwen felt quite small as she began to walk towards the grand doors of the Castle itself, her entourage following behind. She ignored the stares as people watched what could only be described as a parade. Arwen hoped over hope, the Grand Room would be empty.

Such was not the case when she walked through the door and stood between her Father and Lord Aragon. Seeing familiar faces, she smiled but made no move to walk forward. Lord Aragon bent his head toward a servant and handed him a note, asking him to take it directly to the Centurion and that it was meant for no other eyes.

“My Lord Centurion:

I humbly thank you for your hospitality this day. I beseech you to grant audience to myself and Lord Arlo as well as his visiting party. I must speak with you regarding a matter of great importance, both to myself as well as my Lady Arwen. I await your decision.

Yours as always,

Lord Aragon”

Arwen was oblivious to Aragon sending the message. She stepped forward to greet some of the ladies and rolled her eyes as the hoards of men entered the great room, following directly behind.

Arwen moved to the right, hugging the first Lady her eyes met. Once warm greetings were exchanged, she moved off to her left. The shuffle of feet behind her as she moved through the room only caused eyebrows to rise and muffled giggles. Arwen did her best to pretend her suitors did not exist, but they indeed made that difficult. Arwen made her way through the room greeting one familiar face after the other, all with the men scrambling to always be at her back, the scabbards scraping and footsteps echoing throughout the room. Arwen heard the voices rise as they had to practically shout their comments about the spectacle simply to be heard over the roar.

It was with total relief and gratitude that she smiled into Lord Aragon’s eyes as he led her to a large table. Seating Arwen, Aragon then saw to Lord Arlo, Lady Fay and Santuro as well. As he moved around the table, the men all ran to stand behind Arwen’s chair. Arwen lowered her head into her hands and could not look. What a sight she must be presenting, army in tow no matter where she went.

She prayed the Centurion would grant them an audience. He was their only hope now.



Arwen and Aragon and yes, the merry followers waited for some word from the Centurion. Even a denial to have audience with him would at least be done in writing? Aragon paced back and forth before the table where Arwen and her father were seated.

“Lord Aragon.” Arwen waited for an answer but Aragon continued to pace. “MY LORD!”

“Oh. Beg pardon My Lady. I am concerned there has been no word.”

“Please My Lord. I can’t bear to be stared at any more. Take me from this place. Please?”

Aragon turned to look at Arwen. Never before had he seen such despair in her eyes. It was almost as if she’d given up hope. He bent on one knee before her and held her hands in his.

“My Lady. What is it?”

“I do not wish to be here any longer My Lord. We will beg for Merlin’s help in this. He will aid us, I’m certain. I beg you. Take me from this place.”

Aragon hugged Arwen tightly. He could feel her body shivering. Carefully, he lifted her in his arms and carried her from the room and later, from within the Castle walls.

Sitting beside Arwen in the carriage, her head leaning upon his chest, he knew someday she would explain. For now, it was enough to grant her wish.



Mmmm ... ???

His only response. Arwen peeked her head out of the carriage window as it drove through the gates. For once, the Ghost was speechless.

Arwen sat back in her carriage wondering if she would now receive an award placed atop the Centurion's mantle.




This page was last updated on:
Saturday, December 08, 2001 07:29 AM


My character Arwen has already left the Castle. I hate leaving in anger, hurt and confusion and have gotten to know some of you well enough to know I am leaving good friends. This is three times I’ve entered the Castle and three times its all gone crazy. Some would ponder and conclude it might in fact be me, but we won’t go there just yet, LOL.

The recent thread threw many of you up in arms. Please. Understand the whole point on my part of picking on Hallie in that chat in the first place was to get some sort of reaction. I’m sure most of you will nod your head in understanding when I say the WHOLE point was to get spanked.

The cry for want was heard and answered by the Ghost but only in the form of a picture. Had there been only one issue in that chat, I’m not sure that I personally would have started my character’s reactions the way I did. One issue, one picture, leaves no doubt as to the reason for the red bottom.

There were however two issues. The one being picking on Hallie and the other being the petition. With no word from the Ghost, my character was left to decide for herself WHICH issue was the reason.

Now, being the type of writer whose intention for writing character decisions and motives are exclusively to get spanked, I chose to let Arwen assume the spanking was for the petition. Hence, her written outrage.

The Ghost replied in a very long post. That post, however, was AFTER the fact. I guess it is reasonable to say that post was as moot as he stated mine was.

However, his comment this was all in fun was in agreement with what I was allowing my character to say and do. It wasn’t the spanking. Getting spanked was the whole idea. But it was the first time that I am aware of that judgment was made to issue a spanking on this board without explanation.

THAT is what Arwen took exception of. All the Arwen posts were with THAT in mind and nothing else.

You all might already be aware that I write Arwen AND all the spankings Arwen receives. When I participated in that chat, picking on Hallie simply presented an opportunity for me to either have Arwen spanked by someone else in another chat or on the board. I don’t know about anyone else, but reading a spanking for me that someone ELSE wrote tends to make me happier. Getting a spanking someone else wrote was my WHOLE intention. Not hating Hallie. I never hated her and I never will.

With all that in mind, Arwen’s reactions to the fact her spanking ONLY involved a picture with no opportunity to READ about it NOR opportunity to post back and forth about it was not only frustrating, I found it embarrassing.

THAT resulted in the posts following the picture.

Since the Ghost clearly stated it was all in fun, I took my time and wrote back carefully. Never once swearing, always speaking politely, but with every attempt to present my case with the full hope all females would understand. It wasn’t the spanking itself I had a problem with. It was not being allowed the opportunity to participate in it like I’d watched everyone else do for well over a year.

And the result? I was questioned about my motives, told I’d insulted the Castle, told I’d insulted the Ghost, told he wanted the whole thing to end, and asked what it was I wanted.

It has occurred to me that perhaps my long reply was not written properly. I honestly believed I’d explained what it was that I the writer was upset about in the treatment of Arwen and tried to keep it all in Arwen the character mode. No matter what was said about it not being real, I the writer was looked upon as having insulted everyone.

Never once did I intend to hurt Hallie, insult the Castle, nor insult the Ghost. But that’s all that was seen.

I’m fully understanding my problems returning to the Castle is solely me. Three times is a lot of times for that to sink in, LOL, but it has. I hope that I’ve properly explained things this time. I have a tendency to believe that writing in play mode means only that. It is play and all intended to be fun. As a writer, I tend to get highly insulted when my personal motives are questioned based on the written responses of my character. I tend to reply in anger, with full outburst, and never very quietly.

Hallie? I never meant for you to be hurt. I only intended to get spanked. Period! For your hurt, I do apologize fully.

To the Castle members? Its all supposed to be only play. My problems in returning to the Castle three times and causing havoc each time is that I believed that and worked my character that way.

I hate no one here. I’m angry with no one here. I never meant to turn people on their heads nor to pass out. My only intention was to show a character reaction in human form as best I could. Some didn’t like her written reaction and I can’t help that. But keeping in mind it’s all supposed to be play, then maybe some should keep in mind, not all humans react the same. Not all characters should either.

Thank you for letting me continue with Arwen. I’ve enjoyed the writing of her and I hope you’ve enjoyed the reading.

Arwen's story will now continue in her own Charming Castle, intermingling with others. Feel Free to click the link below and join us.

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