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Arwen's Story

by Kree8Tion

©copyright 2001



~ The Departure ~



Arwen and Aragon had indeed returned to the Great Hall. They'd mingled among many but Arwen danced only with him. Once he'd explained his predicament of never having learned how to dance, Arwen had taken him into the privacy of the small grove of trees and danced with him there, explaining basics and reassuring him he would do fine.

Once on the dance floor, Arwen glanced at Lord Redwood and watched with a grin as he bowed and smiles to those passing by. She would have to remember to return him to his wooden place among the castle but for now, she was content to dance in the arms of Aragon. There were indeed a few moments when her toes were crushed by the weight of the man, but his hand pressed softly against the small of her back pushed those memories away quickly.

With the final dance over, Lord Aragon led Lady Arwen amongst the crowds, bidding their farewells and wishes to see each other on the morrow. They made their way towards the grand staircase and Arwen was certain Merlin smiled down upon her this night. Never had she felt so glorious in spite of her stinging bottom. It lingered now as a warm memory from the man who constantly showed how much he truly cared.

Arwen saw Lord Redwood still nodding and placing her hand on Aragon's sleeve, whispered to him.

"Please my Lord. There is something that needs be done before we leave. I'll only be gone but a moment."

"Of course Lady Arwen. I will wait for you here." Arwen felt Aragon's eyes upon her back as she crossed the room to Lord Redwood. She stood before him then curtsied and as she rose, she watched him bow. Leaning forward she whispered low so only he could hear.

"You have brought me much pleasure this night Sir Wooden Broom. My Lord Aragon has shown his heart though he does not clearly see that he has. Go. Back to the strand of trees. When the sun begins to rise, you will once more become a wooden broom. Know this night you have gladdened this heart." Arwen watched as Sir Redwood nodded as if in full understanding and then he smiled. She could have sworn that smile matched that of her Father but she shook her head in confusion. She curtsied once more then turned to return to Lord Aragon who stood waiting. He offered his arm and together they bid adieu to the other revelers.

"Do you think she is aware Master?" Santuro moved but stood just outside the doorway leading to the balcony.

"No Santuro." Arlo spoke but made certain his lips barely moved. "She saw but a glimpse of me and she is none the wiser. It is good she believes her magic was successful and she will endeavor to practice her lessons more often. But tonight?" Lord Redwood turned and walked towards the balcony. "Tonight her magic is in her heart."