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The Humor Files

Looking for a laugh? Well, this is the place! These are a bunch of humor fics that were probably written while under the influence of Gundam Wing. Just click on the links and enjoy!

The Convention
by Liz

A hilarious account of the Gundam pilots attending an anime character conference. What havoc will they wreak? ^_^

Remote Control
by Starling

The boys are on vacation at Quatre's house. They're trying to decide what to watch on TV and they can't agree on one show. The disagreement escalates into an all-out brawl for the remote control.

Batman-Gundam Wing Style
by Liz

The whole gang is in on this one! Liz gets them together for a filming of an episode of Batman. Needless to say, things get interesting...

The G-Boys Go to Summer Camp
by Liz

The G-boys go to summer camp as counselors and have to deal with a very annoying Relena.

The Shopping Trip
by Starling

Poor Heero gets dragged on a shopping trip to the mall with Relena. While there, he runs into his friends at the Disney store...

Gundam Wing Meets Pokemon
by Starling

Ash and company are lost in the woods,as usual. They run into our fave pilots as well as Team Rocket.

Metal and Candy
by Aryn

Duo pops in on Quatre and Nari and introduces Nari to candy corn. The three get high and some pretty interesting conversation occurs!

Shopping at Wal-Mart
by Starling

Four original characters and the g-boys star in this humor fic. The title is self-explanatory. I wrote it while under the influence of coffee. Note: This is only a humor fic. No pilots were harmed in its writing. The ending is for laughs only! ^_^

Duo and Arys Make Breakfast
by Starling

I wrote this fic a year ago, but for some reason, never put it up. Once again, the title is self-explanatory. Yes, I do pick on Duo a lot, don't I? But he's so much fun to pick on!

The Gundam Pilots Go to a Restaurant
by Starling

Um, this is one weird fic, I'll admit. The sequel to Duo and Arys Make Breakfast. You have been warned...