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This is a gift from Jeanine for voting for her website. Click to go to Jeanine's Personal Home Page.

Click here to go to Jeanine's Personal Home Page

This are some gifts for voting for Elkhorn-Waterloo #38. Click on them to go there.

Click to go to Elkhorn-Waterloo #38 Click to go to Elkhorn-Waterloo #38


This is a gift from Snow for voting for Snowland. Click on it to go there.

Click here to go to Snowland

This is a gift from Sophie for voting for Sophie's Cool Page. Click on it to go there.

Click to go to Sophie's Cool Page

This is a gift for voting for Racer918's Homepage. Click on it to go there.

This is a gift for voting for Rest for the Weary.

This is a gift from Jacob and Josh for voting for Josh and Jacob's Spot on the Web. Click on it to go there.

Click to go to Josh and Jacob's Spot on the Web.

This is a gift from the Skittle's Queen.


This is a gift for voting for Whispering Ridge Kennelz. Click on it to go there.

Click to go to Whispering Ridge Kennelz

These are gifts from Bear Hug Awards. Click on them to go there.

Click to go to Bear Hug Awards.

Click to go to Bear Hug Awards

These are gifts from Reiko's Crystal Toyko Land. Click on them to go there.

Click here to go to Reiko's Crystal Toyko Land

Reiko's Crystal Toyko Land

Thanks everyone!

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