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Gifts and Awards

Click on the star. :p

A gift from my secret sis

A gift from my secret sister

A welcome from the Artisitic Committee

A gift from Sister Spoiled, my Secret Sis

This is a gift from Sunflower for joining her webring:

This is an award from Mony. Thanks Mony!

Pooh Award

This is an award from Alec. Click on it to go to his site. :p

Alec's Award of Kid Safe Site

This is a hug from Anne at Anne's Angel Place. Click on the gift 2 go 2 her website. :)

Click here 2 go 2 Anne's Angel Place

This is an award from Shannon.

Beary Special Site Award

This is an award from Jeanine.

sweet angel award

These are awards from Jing. Click on them to go to Jing's World.

Lovely Site Award Award of Excellence

This is an award from Jennifer. Click on it to go to her site.

Award for Homepage Excellence

yin yang


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Gifts from Supporters Awards Thanks!

yin yang

There are counter kindred spirits who have visited my queendom.
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Click on the star. :p