Mothers With Angels
Memorial Page 8
This page 8 houses more memorials with pictures,
for our ANGELS in Heaven.
If the name is underlined,
click on it to go to their web site.
Listen to "Dreams"
Trey Hughes
May 20, 1976
July 13, 1998
Read Mother's Poem
Tyler Gerrit Edward Boonstra
May 12, 1981
March 15, 1995
Vanessa Draper
December 28, 1983
December 31, 1997
Ryan Christopher Fackrell
December 21, 1980
September 2, 1985
"Died of epedamalblastoma.
Fought it valiantly for 18 months and
always met each day with a smile and laughter.
We miss him just as much today
when we know he would have been
19 years old
as the day he died at four."
Chris Thon, R.N.
July 6, 1965
December 3, 1999
Eric Mark
"I will miss you my son until the end of my days!
I will never stop missing you!
Rayden Michael Cocozza
January 10, 2000
"I hope to honor my son
in this small, but meaningful way.
He was only here for a short nine months,
but he has taught me so much.
I know I will hold him again in Heaven
and I await for that day."
Conner James Lackey
March 26, 2000
Jordon Thane Fell
September 29, 1971
October 19, 1999
Justin Paul-Michael Nazarchyk
June 12, 1993
May 10, 1996
His music box is silent....
toys sit on the shelf....
a little bed lies neatly made,
this room held all his wealth.
I hear echoes of his laughter...
see shadows of his plays...
I sit and dream of time gone past,
and long for older days.
Sometimes I still see him...
toys all off the shelf...
the little bed no longer made,
this room now holds my wealth.
I love you with all of my heart. Mommy"
Katelyn Ruth Bustin
November 11, 1982
August 27, 1999
"Kate was my only daughter,
she was my best friend.
I miss her so much,
but I thank God for the time
He gave me with her."
Derek John Weinreis
November 23, 1982
July 30, 1999
"My son was killed in a car-accident.
He was 16 years old and
I miss him so much."
Samuel Allen Paxton
August 22, 1998
September 14, 1998
"Sammy was born premature and struggled for three weeks.
I know he's in Heaven and I know he's with me every day.
I love him and miss him so much."
Kathy Lynn
stillborn l962
David Henry
stillborn 1959
Dana Keith
lived just 9 hours. 1957
I will always love you three,
and I think of each of you often.
Though it has been many years now,
I just continue to love you more.
It is only because I know you are in
God's loving care, I can hold back the tears.
I know you are happy and I look forward
to being with you again, one day in Heaven.
I love you So Much!!!
Jason Curnutt
November 26, 1974
April 11, 1999
Alexis Brianne Stempien
January 1, 1998
November 15, 1999
Shane Micheal Rose
November 5, 1995
"You were the answer to my prayers.
Now you are gone from me
and I miss you and love you
with all my heart.
Love, Mom"
Bradley Allen
July 27, 1987
July 5, 1989
"Bradley was our 1st born. He was truly a beautiful child.
His 2 brothers Tyler and Brendan, his father and mother
do miss him with all their hearts.{\O/}"
Micah James Pollock
October 30, 1981
November 5, 1997
"Micah was my only child. He was murdered by a classmate.
I want his name to be remembered.
He was the most fun loving person I will ever know.
I miss him so very much. And I love him even more. Love, Mom"
September 16, 1976
April 20, 1996
James Michael Freeman
October 31, 1968
August 9, l993
Jack Page
December 29, 1933
April 28, 1998
Shannon Yvonne Smith
August 22, 1999
Taylor Brooke Webster
September 16, 1998
Tiffany Nicole Roughton
May 2, 1988
March 22, 2000
Nicole Darleen
June 10, 1987
December 30, 1987
Deinne Jo Allen
August 3, 1987
August 21, 1987
Our Darling Little Angel!!!! We Love & Miss Her!!!
Amanda Kate Harris
December 6, 1994
June 1, 1996
"She taught us so much in those
short 18 months about love and life.
I would like to share her story with others,
and hopefully help others who have gone through
what we went through in losing a child.
Amanda is very loved and missed by all of us."
Morgan Lauren
October 11, 1999
Madison Lindsey
October 11, 1999
Jeremy Josh Bratusa
August 1, 1995
December 1, 1995
Jerry Scott Woody
September 13, 1977
August 20, 1999
"My son Jerry enjoyed living like
no one I have ever known.
Such a happy and loving young man.
He was 21 years old went he got killed
from a 4-wheeler accident.
We love him & miss him so much.
I write this is memory of him.
Mom, Dad & his brother Robbie"
Kenneth Allen Beevers
August 22, 1976
May 3, 1995
Joan Marie Knutson
April 1, 1977
June 9, 1997
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