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Table Of Contents

The Slums Gold Saucer Cloud's Revenge Ultima Museum Seventh Heaven
Red XIII Bringing It Together The Chosen Future Attraction E.R./S.S/
Chatracter Wheel
Portal Entrance  Informal Learning Analysis Family Center Analysis Interactive Toy Analysis Food & Entertainment Analysis
Playground Analysis

Theme Park Analysis

Video Game Analysis Future Attraction Analysis Portal Entrance Analysis





Midgar City is a "plate" city and solemnly owned by the Shinra Corporation, which is controlled by President Shinra and his son Rufus. Midgar is surrounded by 8 reactors and each of them generates Mako energy, the life energy of the planet. Underneath the individual plates, you will find the slums and they are classified as Sectors. The Sectors are supported by a huge pillor known as plate Supports. The Shinra Corporation controls the Slums with a grid-iron fist. Foolishy Brain-washing residents into believing Shinra's Corportation is aiming to better mankind.

This is the ultimate city of corruption, with only one central government powered by a money thirsty corporation. At the center of the city is the Head Quarters of the Corporation for Shinra, also known as the Shinra Building. The Upper city area is for the upper-class people while people of the lower class reside in the Slums.