Dolphin Ancestry Photo Gallery
Possible Lost Dolphin Photos
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Unknown Dolphin Unknown Dolphin Man- Probable Charles Dolphin
Chase Photograph Photo Gallery in Cassville Wisconsin was active in 1887-1894.
I believe this man to be Charles Dolphin based on resemblance of other photographs. He would have been age 20 or 21 in 1872/73 when photograph taken at the Chase Studio.
Photograph owned by David Keck - Photo is unconfirmed!

Unknown Dolphin Woman Unknown Dolphin woman 1- Possibly Nettie Dolphin
This photograph is believed to be Dolphin daughter of John Dolphin.
My late Great Aunt, Lucy Dolphin / Lau looked at this photo and said that's a Dolphin girl. However, she didn't know which Dolphin girl.
The Watton Studio where photo was taken was active in Lancaster from 1897 to 1906.
Based on dates, I believe this photo is either LuLu or Nettie Dolphin.
They would have been in their early / mid 20's if them.
I have a confirmed photo of their sister Agnes Dolphin from the Watton Studio.
My hypothesis is that the 3 youngest Dolphin daughters had photos taken together most likely around 1904-1906 at the Watton Studio.
My best guess is this is Elizabeth Nettie Dolphin
Photograph owned by David Keck - Photo is unconfirmed!

Unknown Dolphin Woman Unknown Dolphin woman 2- Possibly Lulu Dolphin
This photograph is believed to be Dolphin daughter of John Dolphin.
My late Great Aunt, Lucy Dolphin / Lau looked at this photo and said that's a Dolphin girl. However, she didn't know which Dolphin girl.
The Watton Studio where photo was taken was active in Lancaster from 1897 to 1906.
Based on dates, I believe this photo is either LuLu or Nettie Dolphin.
They would have been in their early / mid 20's if them.
I have a confirmed photo of their sister Agnes Dolphin from the Watton Studio.
My hypothesis is that the 3 youngest Dolphin daughters had photos taken together most likely around 1903-1906 at the Watton Studio.
My best guess is this is Lulu Dolphin
Photograph owned by David Keck - Photo is unconfirmed!

Unknown Dolphin Unknown - Possibly William Henkel
This photograph is unconfirmed, but could possibly be William Henkel, husband of Lulu Dolphin. It was suggested by Dorothy Birkett (maiden name - Bray) that this photograph might be Laurence Henkel's father. Again, based on years of service of the Watton Studio, it is not unrealistic that it might be Mr. Henkel. Laurence Henkel was Dorothy's first husband for a short period. She never met Laurence Henkel's father but is basing her opinion on some similarities to Laurence Henkel. I suppose it could be a Dolphin son of John Dolphin, but I don't think it is. If anyone can confirm this photograph - please email.
Photograph owned by David Keck - Photo is unconfirmed!

Unknown Dolphin Unknown - Possible Frank Ervin
The man in this photograph was once believed to be one of two men.
It may be John Dolphin or Frank Ervin. However, DNA has proven that it's most likely Frank Ervin. John Dolphin however, had married Lillian Gray, it's believed they had a son named John Wesley Dolphin Ervin. However, it's not entirely known if John Wesley's father was John or Frank. However, this man is believed to be the true father of John Wesley which DNA now points towards Frank Ervin.
Photograph owned by Nancy Kleeman - Photo is unconfirmed!

Unknowns Old Tin TYPE Of Man - Maybe John Dolphin?
This old tin type has dimensions of a little larger than 2 1/2 x 1 1/2 inches. Tin type photos were prominent in the 1860s to 1870s. My thought is this is possibly a Dolphin Ancestor, but like most of these I am only guessing.
Of all my photos in my collection, if any are John Dolphin, this would be the one. I'm thinking this may be John Dolphin, or perhaps Rebecca Schallenberger's first husband, Richard Calvert who was killed in the civil war.
I'm estimating this photograph taken around 1860. If so, if could have been one of Rebecca's husbands. But sadly, cannot be confirmed! Photograph owned by David Keck

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