News & Opinion

Shadow of the Vampire
I was glad to get such a response via e-mail about last week's column. It seems that most of you who read this aren't as stupid as those with nothing better to do but post cuss words in the guestbook. ANYWAY, there's not much new to talk about, but there's still something interesting going on... released a news article last week that covered Jason X and Freddy Vs. Jason. It seems that at the release party for Boogeymen, Kane Hodder said that Jason X should come out "late March or early April 2002." I guess that makes the release date of 22MAR2K2 that I reported a couple of weeks ago all the more probable.
As far as the Jason and Freddy team-up goes, Robert Englund said that the suits at New Line (Bob Shaye) had a copy of a script that they were happy with and it should start filming around the time that Jason X hits theaters. I would guess that since New Line wants to pump some FX dollars into it, it won't be out until 2003. But hey, at least it's coming, right?
However, that's not the most interesting thing. The most interesting ting is that Robert Englund kept calling it Jason Vs. Freddy and not Freddy Vs. Jason as it has been called since circa '97. What does this mean? For one thing, it could simply mean that Robert Englund doesn't really care what it's called as long as it gets made (which would be a good thing). It might also mean that the the suits at New Line are so impressed by Jason X that they want to give our masked hero top billing (which would be even better). Considering that Freddy got his start at New Line and was always a feather in it's cap, the fact that so many suits are (could be) rallying behind Jason can only mean that Jason X will be worth the wait. If internet buzz was money, I'd be buying Jason X stock right now.
Ahhhh... Jason in Space might not be the bastard idea we all feared just a year ago.
Why do YOU hate slasher movies?
New Jason X rumors
JASON X RELEASE DATE and HalloweeN Merchandise
Director List and new DVD Releases
Go out and buy BOOGEYMEN on DVD!
Jason in Pro Wrestling?
Jason X delays and F13 DVDs