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                  Drama Workshop 

              Introduction: The purpose of drama in the classroom is
                 to initiate drama skills, self-management skills, and
             to introduce strategies and activities which enhance
                reading comprehension.

                   Level 1-Drama Activities
                                    -Story Making

                        Level 2-Literacy Activities
                                    -Plot Boosters

         Self-Management: Skills and Tools of Drama


Drama is a process of "Becoming" a feeling and observant individual.  Theatre gives us a product for an audience to view.  Here, we are all becoming...

        "In the world, a 'knowledge of objects' is meaningless without
        the context of human experience which is developed by the arts.
        For the arts add the imagination and the emotion."

             Stephen Edelglass, the Waldorf School, quoted from a presentation at the conference
                          Science and Art, Creativity, Motivation, and the Joy of Learning, Chicago, IL, 1993.

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