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Path Of Life

The path of life isn't straight
It bends and winds
Twists and turns
It's bumpy in spots in which you feel you Can't get past them......
Once you do you see a clear part of the path Free of obstacles
When walking this path you must make Choices,
In which way you will take as the path splits To a fork
Or straight ahead.
Then comes hills
Which stand in you way that you must past To continue.....
At the end of the long,
And difficult path,
You find
And a sense of joy.
You have reached you goals,
And dreams.
You win the battle between yourself and this Path of life,
In which you,
Finally find peace in your life.

{Go Home} Poems: {Aloof}  {A Mother}  {A Walk Through A Park}  {Baywatch Babe*}  {City Sight*}  {Daddy's Girl}  {Dear God,}  {Distance}  {Enough}  {Fatherless at 15}  {Friends}  {God's other Angel*}  {God's Eyes}  {Happy Ending}  {Have Faith}  {Invisible Comfort}  {It's in the way*}  {Late for Work}  {Left}  {Looking Down}  {Lottie}  {Misery}  {My Angel}  {No one Around}  {Path Of Life}  {Rain*}  {Remember Him}  {Someone Will Be There}  {Then and Now}  {To Be So Free}  {Travel}  {Turbulence}  {Warning*}  {Waves*}  {Wishing and Waiting*}  {Wrigleyville*}
Stories:  {Brittle P. Nut*}  {Gift of Hope}  {Lindsay's Chimpanzee}

(c) Megan Burns 2004