Aeronautical Society (B. B.)
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Aeronautical Society

The objective of the Aeronautical Society of India is to promote the advancement and diffusion of knowledge of the Aeronautical Sciences and Aircraft Engineering and the elevation of the Aeronautical profession.

TheAeronautical Society of India is headquartered at New Delhi.It has 13 branches all across India. The Patron In Chief of the society is the Prime Minister of India, Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee. The present president is Shri H.S. Khola, Director General of Civil Aviation.

Office Bearers of the Society

History of the Aeronautical Society of India

The first meeting of the Aeronautical Society of India was held in Bangalore at the Puttanachetty Town Hall on December 27, 1948. The society is now in its golden jubilee year.

Activities of the Aeronautical Society of India:

The Aeronautical Society of India conducts examinations leading to the Certificate of the Aeronautical Society of India. This is considered to be equivalent to a Bachelor's degree in Aeronautical Engineering. The society also recognizes professionals in engineering by grading its members into various categories such as Fellows, Members, Companions, Associate Members, Graduate Members and Student Members.

At the annual general meeting held every year eminent personalities in the field of aeronautics who have made a significant contribution in their fields of specialisation are honoured by the Society. Two of the coveted prizes are the National Aeronautical Prize and the Dr Biren Roy Trust Award.

Bangalore Branch

Situated at 9,Suranjan Das Road, the Bangalore Branch of the AeSI is one of the leading branches of the society, having been located at the aeronautical capital of the country. Bangalore is the nodal center for all aeronautical activities. Most of the associated aeronautical industries are also located in Bangalore. Therefore, this branch has a very important role to play in the promotion of the aeronautical activities of the country.

A Computational Fluid Dynamic Division (CFD) is being formed under the auspices of the AeSI and this division will function at the Bangalore Branch. The first seminar cum meeting of the CFD is scheduled to be held at AeSI Bangalore on the 11th August 1998.

  • Office Bearers of the Bangalore Branch

    Planned Activities of the Bangalore Branch:

  • 1. AeroIndia 1998
  • 2. Aerosports Jamboree
  • 3. Seminar on Composite Structures
  • 4. Aero Quiz `98
  • 5. Quarterly get-togethers of Members
  • 8. Golden Jubilee Activities

    Recent Events at the Bangalore Branch :

  • 1. Free Flight Seminar Nov 97
  • 2. Freedom Flight Nov 97
  • 3. Golden Jubilee Celebrations Dec 97-98
  • 4. National Seminar of Flight Testing Dec 97
  • 5. Annual General Body Meeting May 98
  • 6. Para-sailing Exposure May 98
  • 7. Lectures

    Contact the AeSI at:

    Email :
    aerosban @
    Address :
    9, Suranjan Das Road,New Thippasandra Post,
    Bangalore,India 560075.

    This page is under construction.This page was last updated on 1st August 1998.

    All copyrights reserved. No material from this page can be used in any manner without the express permission of AeSI.

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