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The Year 2004

"Rejoice In Your Youth"

"Renounce Unrepented Sin"

"The Path I Have Chosen For You"

"The Fires of Tribulation"

"My Spirit Is Being Poured Out In Great Measure"

"Words Of Warning"

"Refrain Your Tongue From Evil"


"I Cherish You, My Beloved"

"Your Ministries For The End Of The Age"

"He Is Risen"

"Casting All Your Cares Upon Me"

"I Am Pouring Out My Spirit"

"Preparation For End Times"

"Be Yielded Vessels"

"I Am Calling You To Prayer"

"Do Not Lose Heart"

"Stand Fast In The Faith"

"Do Not Love The World"

"I Have Raised You Up For Just Such A Day As This"

"Listen, Listen To My Words Of Warning"

"We Should Be Holy And Without Blame"

"Defeating The Enemy"

"There Will Be Tribulation"

"Spiritual Warfare In The Last Days"

"You Are Living In The Latter Days"

"Fear Not For I Am With You"

"You Shall Receive Power"

"Manifest In These Last Times"

"A New Day Has Dawned"

"Come To Me And I Will Give You Rest"

"And My God Shall Supply"

"I Shall Shake Not Only The Earth But Also Heaven"

"Multitudes In The Valley Of Decision"

"Come Before Me In Prayer"

"Listen To The True Prophetic Word"

"The Day Of The Lord Is At Hand"

"Fear Not For I Am With You"

"Hearken To My Voice"

"Great Tribulation Has Come Upon The World"

"Cast Your Cares Upon Me"

"It Shall Come To Pass"

"Come To Me All You Who Labor"

"Spiritual Warfare"

More Will Be Posted as God Leads...

Email: Dorothea Montague

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