Listed below are some edible flowers:
Acacia Blossoms:Acacia senegal
Almond Blossoms:Prunus amygdalus
Aloe Vera:Aloe barbadensis
Althea:Hibiscus syriacus
Alyssum:Lobularia maritima
Anchusa: Anchusa azurea
mild, rather nondescript taste.
Anise Hyssop: Agastache foeniculum
purple or blue flowers, anise flavor; great with salads and fruit
Apple Blossoms: Malus spp.
floral flavor
Arugula: (Eruca sativa)
white flowers; nutty, spicy in taste; good in sandwiches or salads
Bachelor Buttons:Centaurea cyanus
Banana:Musa paradisiaca
Basil: Ocimum basilicum
white, blue, pink, lavender flowers; taste varies
Bean Blossoms:
taste just like beans
Bee Balm: Monarda didyma
red, pink flowers; sweet, floral, lemony taste
Begonia: Begonia X tuberhybrida
red, yellow, pink, orange flowers; spicy, crisp, sour, lemony flavor
Borage: Borage officinalis
purple and pink flowers with a sweet cucumber like taste; adds coolness to drinks
Calendula: Calendula officinalis
orange, white or yellow blossoms with mild, pepepry taste; use in salads
Calamint: Calamintha nepeta
Carnation: Dianthus spp.
pink, red, lavender flowers; spicy, peppery, clove-like flavor
Chamomile: Matricaria recutita
delicate white flowers; mild and sweet for tea, salads, as a garnishes
Chervil: Anthriscus cerefolium
Chicory: Cichorium intybus
mild flavored petals of the bright blue chicory blossom can be sprinkled in salads or used as a garnish
Chives: Allium spp.
lavender flowers; spicy flavor
Chrysanthemum: Chrysanthemum spp.
faint peppery to mild cauliflower taste; blanch first then scatter petals on salad
Cilantro:Coriandrum sativum
Clary Sage: Salvia sclarea
Spicy flavor; use in salads
Cornflower: Centaurea cyanus
blue, pink flowers; sweet to spicy, clove-like flavor
Daffodil Garlic: Allium neapolitanum
sweet, mild garlic flavour; use raw or cooked, or in salads the small bulbs can be used like onions
Daisy: Bellis perennis
yellow and white flowers; mild with a light mint or clover flavor. Use only the petals
Dandelion:Taraxacum officinale
slightly bitter taste; good in salads
Daylily :Hemerocallis spp.
shades of orange and yellow; slightly sweet tasting bloom; decorate salads or cakes
Dewberry:Rubus caesius
Dill: Anethum graveolens
Elderberry:Sambucus racemosa L.
elderberries were cooked and sweetened before eating. They were also used as medicine for constipation.
English primroses:Primula polyantha Mill
Feijoa:Feijoa sellowiana
flowers are delicious, tasting more like a fruit than many fruits.
Fennel: Foeniculum vulgare
yellow flowers; sweet, licorice taste
Forget-me-not: Myosotis sylvatica
flowering tops are added to salads or used as a garnish for their blue, pink, and occasionally white color.
Fuchsia: Fuschia X hybrida
bi-colors, varied; acidic taste
Gardenia:gardenia jasminoides J. Ellis
Gladiolus:Gladiolus callianthus
Garlic chives: Allium tuberosum
mild garlic flavour, use raw or cooked, great in salads
Geraniums: Pelargonium spp.
pink, red, white, purple flowers; lemon to rose to mint flavor; use in salads or garnish cakes
Ginger:Zingiber officinale Rosc.
Hibiscus: H.rosa-sinensis
many colours; great for making wine
Hollyhock: Althaea rosea
pastel colors; slightly sweet; particularly good stuffed
Honeysuckle:Lonicera japonica
pale red or yellow in color; tastes just like it smells
Hyssop:Agastache foeniculum
Indian cress: Tropaeolum majus
Impatiens: Impatiens wallerana
pink, many colors; bland
Jasmine:Jasminum officinale
Johnny Jump Up: Viola tricolor
purple, white, yellow flowers; sweet to bland Use to decorate cheese plates, sliced fruit, cakes, or salads. You can also candy them.
Jamaica sorrel:
A tropical flower grown for it crimson sepal, which is used to flavor dinks, jams and sauces. It is available dried and fresh during the Christmas season in Jamaica.
Lavender: Lavandula angustifolia
purple flowers(mint family); stong flavored; Use for marinades, jellies and garnishes
Lemon:Citrus limonum
Lilac: Syringa vulgaris
lavender flowers; lemony, floral, pungent flavor; good for marinades, jellies and garnishes.
Lovage: Levisticum officinale
Aromatic edible flowers used in confections, as are the crystallized stems.
Roots are sometimes brewed as tea or shredded for use in salads. They are also preserved in honey.
Leaves are used in cheeses, eggs, salads, stews and with chicken. A small amount can be added to Bechamel-based sauces, such as Mornay, for use on baked fish.
In Turkey, a kind of meatloaf is made using Allspice, Garlic and Lovage in the forcemeat. It is served with yogurt and Mint.
Lovage leaves can be used in any recipe that calls for Celery Leaves -- just use less, as Lovage is about twice as strong in flavor
Seeds are used as flavoring for breads, cordials, potatoes, poultry dressings, rice and salads. They appear in the recipes for some French liqueurs. They are sometimes pickled in brine.
Marigold: Tagetes spp.
yellow and orange; spicy flavor; good in salads, sauces, soups or with fish or roasts
Marjoram:Majorana hortensis
used for flavoring for meats, salads, omeletes, vinegars, jellies and teas;
Mint:Mentha spicata
Mustard:Brassica juncea
yellow or white flowers; mild taste
Nasturtium: Tropaeolum majus
yellow, orange, red, rust with a peppery radish like flavor; try them with guacamole
Okra:Abelmoschus esculentus
yellow flowers
Orange:Citrus aurantium L.
Oregano:Origanum vulgare
Pansy:Viola x wittrockiana
Passionflower: Passiflora incarnata
Parrot-beak: Clianthus puniceus
yellow, red, bi-colors; crisp, leafy taste
Peach:Prunus persica
Petunia: Petunia X hybrida
many colors; leafy taste
Plum Blossoms: Prunus mume
Pineapple sage: Salvia elegans
red; sweet, pineapple flavor
Primrose: Primula vulgaris
many colors; sweet to bland
Purslane: Montia sibirica
mild flavour with an earthy after-taste like raw beetroot. use in salads or cook them
Radish:Raphanus sativus
Red Clover:
Rose: Rosa spp.
flavors vary, red and purple flowers are sweet, darker petals have the most intense flavors; use for syrups, jams, and for crystallizing
Rosemary: Rosemarinus officinalis
light blue flowers; flavor varies by breed
a kind of crocus (saffron) its stigma is a prized herb
Salad Burnet:Poterium sanguisorba
Leaves taste and smell like cucumber and are used in salads, salad dressings, iced drinks, egg dishes, cottage
cheese, butter, cream cheeses, and vinegar, or as a garnish.
Scarlet Runner bean:Phaseolus coccineus
scarlet flowers; nectar, bean-like taste
Scented Geraniums:
Snapdragon: Antirrhinum majus
pink, yellow, white, bi-color; bland to bitter taste
Society Garlic:
Sunflower: Helianthus annus
gold, yellow; leafy taste
Sweet Pea:
Sweet woodruff:
Squash blossoms: Cucurbita pepo
yellow flowers; nectar, sweet flavor
Thyme: Thymus vulgaris
white, purple flowers; lemony taste
Tulip: Tulipa spp.
many colors; crisp, cucumber-like flavor
Violets/Viola: Viola odorata
bluish purple flowers; sweet taste; use in salads, honeys or crystallized
Water lily:
Wood Sorrel:Oxalis
Yucca:Yucca spp.
use the petals only
Zucchini:Cucurbita spp.
Below is a list of flowers that are UNSAFE for eating. The list is incomplete, but will help you get started to safely eating flowers. Do not use flowers you are unsure about, and make sure children know the difference between edible and inedible flowers.
Columbine: Aquilegia vulgaris
Goldenrod:Solidago sempervirens
Jack-in -the-pulpit:
Jimson weed:
Lily:Lilium atamasco
Lily:Lilium gloriosa
Monks hood:
Nightshade family: (Belladonna, bittersweet, white potato, tomato, eggplant)
Scarlet pimpernel:
St. Johns wort:
Tansy: Tanacetun vulgare
Yellow Jessamine:
*These flowers have been proven toxic to animals and have not been documented as safe edible flowers. Do further research before, including them in your cuisine. Its best not to take a risk.