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I am delighted to find some roses with the name ~Pinkie~ They aren't in anyway named after me (*G*), but it makes me feel great anyways......


Climbing Pinkie


Little Pinkie





Climbing Pinkie
Polyantha (1952)
Bred by E.P. Dering. Introduced by Armstrong Nursery.
Nearly thornless, Climbing Pinkie is a fast growing rose that can be used either as a climber or a cascading shrub. It blooms profusely in late April. Mentioned in the American Rose Annual 1952 as one of the New Roses of the World.

Little Pinkie
Little Pinkie belongs to the family of Micro-miniature roses. It blooms profusely.
Little Pinkie won the Blue Ribbon award at the Fresno ~All Miniature Rose Show.~
The Uncommon Rose

Pinkie - a nearly thornless climber with scented, semi-double rose pink blooms. 16 petals.
Pinkie was named for a hit movie, staring Jeanne Crain.
Pinkie was bred by Herbert C. Swim in the United States, and introduced by Armstrong Nursery in 1947.
It won the 1948 AARS award and is a desirable Patio Rose.
The commercial availability is limited.
Trees & Shrubs

Pinky - Hybrid Tea
Bred in Ireland in 1988 by McGredy. Introduced in New Zealand by Sam McGredy IV
Bloom: Pink blend blooms

Prairie Pinkie - Shrub
Bred in Canada (1958) by Skinner
Bloom: Orange-pink & orange-pink blend blooms. Strong fragrance

Jerry (my husband) says this is my EGO page :) I guess it is...... anyways here's a rose I found by the name of Jerry and I'm posting it here so he won't nag me about this page any more .......
Jerry is an intensely fragrant rose, light to medium red in color and fades to an attractive pink. Bred in United States by SAVILLE


A BEAUTY ! (just like my darling!)

A few other flowers with the name ~***~PINKIE~***~

Sensation Pinkie Cosmos
Cosmos bipinnatus 'Pinkie'

Aquilegia Double Pinkie Columbine
P Scabiosa columbaria 'Pinkie'

Lewisia 'Pinkie'

Vinca Little Pinkie
Vinca rosea L. var. 'Little Pinkie'

Pinky Gini
Mini Gini New Guinea Impatiens

Phragmipedium Hanne Popow 'Pinkie'
Orchids - A beautiful species from New Guinea

Strathbraan 'Lewes Pinkie'

Petite Pinkie Crape Myrtle
Lagerstroemia indica

Pinkie Daylily
Pinkie Jessup Daylily -1980
Pinkie Marie
Pinkie Petite
Pinkie Pinkerton
Pinkie Prim
Pinkie Ring
Pinkie Winkie
Skyland Pinkie Daylily - Hale 1989

flower Water-Forget-Me-Not
Myosotis pal 'Pinkie'

flower Pink Forget-me-Not
Myosotis scorpioides 'Pinkie'

flower Azalea Pinkie
Rhododendron 'Pinkie'

flower Hansen's Pinkie Geranium
Pelargonium - Regal. First appeared in the early 19th century, called ~show geraniums~
Sometimes called ~Martha Washingtons~ or ~Lady Washingtons~

flower Western Pinkie
A bright pink Semi-cactus

flower Pinkie Indian Hawthorn
Raphiolepis indica 'Pinkie'

flower Oncidium 'Pinkie' Brown
Helen Brown x pulchellum orchid

flower Salvia leucophylla 'Pinkie'

flower One Little Pinkie
Durrance '92 Border Bearded Iris
1996 Iris Awards Honorable Mention winner

Rosemary, Pinkie
Rosmarinus officinalis 'Pinkie'

flower Aster alpinus'Pinkie'

flower Little Pinkie Nasturtiums

flower Verbena Little Pinkie

flower Malva 'Little Pinkie' Hollyhock Mallow

flower Alba Pinkie
Short bell shaped white flowers of alba with pink tips of the petals. A form found by Graham Hutchins.

flower Polly Stark 'Pinkie'

flower Rhaphiolepis indica 'Pinkie'

flower Magnolia 'Pinkie'

flower Potentilla Glenroy 'Pinkie'

flower Aechmea luddemanniana 'Pinkie'

flower If you know of any other flowers with the name ~Pinkie~ that I've missed out....please email it to me ! Thanks!!



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Copyright © Pinkie D'Cruz 2000

Thursday, September 07, 2000
