
Life is a dream so dream on....
Dreams are experiences that we have when we are asleep. Dreams do not come in the deepest sleep, but during the time when we are ~half-asleep.~ To say that you do not dream is incorrect because there is no lack of dreams, just a lack of memory to remember the dream ! Dreams never fail to fascinate us no matter what we dream, though sometimes, dreams frighten us......do you remember ever waking up with a cold sweat ??
Dreams are so mysterious and yet so alive and rememorable that they MUST mean something......though there are different opinions on exactly WHAT they mean !
Below is a list of plants and flowers related to dreams. A significant amount of dream flora is related to love and marriage. To dream of certain plants and flowers was considered an omen of things to come. Dreaming of fruits or flowers out of season is bad luck, but to dream of plants currently blooming is good luck.
Plants which are good omens in dreams are:
Marigold - wealth
Myrtle - happiness
Oak - wealth
Palm tree
Pear - wealth

Plants in dreams which denote misfortune are:
Birch, White flowers - death
Walnut - unfaithfulness
Withered roses |

Plants which foretell a long life are:
Oak |

Plants which foretell sickness are:
Beans - portend evil.
Plum |

Plants related to money, love, & marriage
Roses - success in love
Clover - a happy marriage, wealth & prosperity
Raspberry , Pomegranate, Cucumber, Currant and Box - augur well for love affairs.
If you dream of being picked by briars, it means you have an ardent desire.
To dream of cutting cabbage means your lover is jealous, and if you dream of someone else cutting cabbage, it means that someone is trying to plant the seeds of jealousy in your lover's mind. To dream of eating cabbages augurs illness for your loved ones and money loss
Dreaming of cutting parsley means that you'll eventually be crossed in love.
Dreaming of passing through brambles indicates trouble ahead, but if you pass through unhurt it means you will
triumph over adversity.
To dream of nuts denote riches. If you dream of gathering nuts you should be receiving unexpected wealth.
Dreaming of yew means the death of an old person who will leave behind considerable wealth.
Violets or vines indicate advancement in life and prosperity.
Eating almonds in a dream signifies a journey, and whether they are sweet or not indicates how successful the journey will be.
Fresh, green grass in a dream is a good omen, but withered and decayed grass signifies misfortune and sickness, as does dreaming of cutting grass.
Many dream plants have more than one meaning, which don't seem to have much to do with each other. For instance, yellow flowers can mean love mixed with jealousy or that you will have more children to maintain than what justly belong to you.
Garlic can mean the discovery of hidden treasures or that a domestic quarrel will occur .
To dream of the juniper tree itself is unlucky, especially if you are sick, but to dream of gathering berries in winter can mean you'll achieve great honors and become an important person, and if you are married it foretells the birth of a son.

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Copyright © Pinkie D'Cruz 1998
Monday, April 06, 1998