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~Nothing lies beyond the reach of prayer....
only that which lies beyond the will of God~

WELCOME to my parlour says the spiderer.gif - 0.96 K woman ! This is my first attempt at designing a homepage and with no basic trainning, I seem to be crackin'...I have to admit that I'm AdDicTeD to the comp to the extent that I actually CRAAAAAWL on the web in my sleep !!! Do I need a LIFE or what ??? I think I did have a LIFE but that was a ZiLLiOn years ago.... before we connected to the I'NET ....I wonder now, how I managed without it !!!! So this is me spiderer.gif - 0.96 K SPIDER WOMAN (christened by my husband, Gerard) saying HELLO from the Wilds of Borneo !!! .....hope you enjoy my web of flowers.....
2001 We have since moved and are now based in Johor, West Malaysia 2004 We're now back in the US of A!!!!!!!
~What is love? No words can define it.
It's something so great, only God could design it.
Yes, love is beyond what man can define,
For love is immortal and God's gift is divine.~

Want to have a little fun?
Move the flowers around with your mouse.Watch the hummingbirds find the flowers!

the day the world changed forever
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to crawl into my web!
pinkie's parlour Home
[intro] [about me] [language of flowers] [old wives tales] [drying foliage]
[Malaysian flowers] [flower meanings & legends] [flower facts & trivia]
[holiday flowers] [edible flowers(a)] [edible flowers(b)] [dreams & flowers]
[Biblical plants(a)] [Biblical plants(b)] [secret names of flowers]
[national & state flowers] [cut flower tips] [giant flowers] [lake garden]
[wax flowers] [flower signs] [phenology] [poisonous plants] [flowers n color]
[potpurri] [Apply for my Award!] [angels] [angel facts] [angel signs] [earth angels]
[poems] [poems] [poems] [Lord is my shepherd] [Lord'resume] [Faith] [mom & dad]
[christmas] [tree legends(a)] [tree legends(b)] [tree legends(c)]
[tree symbolism] [herbs N fruits symbolism] [send a rose] [just roses(1)]
[just roses(2)] [just roses(3)] [language of roses] [rose puzzle] [just roses(6)]
[diva dedication] [Pinkies Message Board]

Copyright © Pinkie D'Cruz 1997- 2002
Copyright © 2002 Parlor Dezzinz Graphics