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Waterjar cracks:
I lie awake
This icy night.
Basho (1644-94)

Heron's cry
Stabs the darkness
Basho (1644-94)

Neither to Evening
Nor to morning does it belong:
The melon blossom
Basho (1644-94)

adolescent spring
promises full ripe bounty
summer's sweeter fruit
red tail

silence penatrates
me, today like yesterday;
yet i can not scream

Refreshing shower
Falls from my watering can
Catching a rainbow.
red tail

magic sunbeam wand
scatters dewdrops across lawn
dawn's earth jewelry

Weeds growing around
my soul, stifling what I am;
can't seem to break free

afraid to move with
so little notice guess I'll
stay right here instead
roommates smell

by chance, not design
did I fall into this hole..
got rope, anyone?
Mikey R

Saturated mist;
Clear jewel on the leaf-point,
Drip! The river starts.
Phil Adams

To me, the night sings,
Shadows hiding, stars falling.
The World Enchanted
Lady Rhi

moonlight breaking dark
fainter stars that can't be seen
swelling ocean's tides
Earths Period

Four winds blowing soft
buffalo grazing in peace
only memories
Leslie Blanchard

coyote howls lonely
blue moon shining overhead
frozen ground.... sleeping
Leslie Blanchard

please remind me to
remind you to remind me
to remind you to smile

My Castle Halls

My Courtyard

A Dream, Into the Dark, My Garden, Voices
My Knight, My Lady
Yeshua's Dream, A Seed, A Dish, Poetry Pie, Bubbly Love
It was once said..., Pearls of Wisdom, Haiku
My Pub, The Jewels of My Life,

John Stevenson


Honk if you Haiku
A Haiku Homepage
Flowing Haiku
History of Haiku, From Basho to Koi
Children's Haiku Garden
Haiku Spirit
Haiku Generator

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